• October 6, 2024

Editor @Investigator_50

Vaccine scientists to Biden: Be more like Trump

Welcome to Byron York’s Daily Memo newsletter.   Was this email forwarded to you? Sign up here to receive the newsletter. VACCINE SCIENTISTS TO BIDEN: BE MORE LIKE TRUMP. Before his disastrous departure from office, former President Donald Trump left a solid list of accomplishments regarding the economy, the courts, national security, and more. But perhaps his most […]Read More

Judicial Watch Seeks to Depose Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot about

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a motion for court authorization to depose Mayor Lori Lightfoot in the currently pending civil rights lawsuit on behalf of Thomas Catenacci and the Daily Caller News Foundation regarding her policy of only granting interviews to “journalists of color.” On May 18, 2021, Mayor Lightfoot’s office informed multiple reporters that she would […]Read More

Which keeps you awake more — a Chinese invasion of

DECEMBER 06, 2021 BY DAN HANNAN Which keeps you awake more — a Chinese invasion of Taiwan or a Russian invasion of Ukraine? Here’s a disquieting thought. What if the two happened, by pre-arrangement, on the same day? It is no longer unthinkable. The two autocracies have their differences, but Russia and China are united in […]Read More

Don’t Be Silenced by the Myth of a Transgender Hate

  By John Stonestreet and Kasey Leander | December 6, 2021 Every single person, including those who struggle deeply with who they are, are made in the image and likeness of God. However much someone can be mistaken in their self-understanding, whatever they’ve done to add to their own confusion, they’re still infinitely valuable and worthy of the fullest expressions […]Read More


Steel Truth Media Published December 3, 2021 Rumble — DECEMBER 3, 2021 MAGA FAMILY FEUD CORRECTIVE COURSE AND DR. ZELENKO’S COVID ASSESSMENT STEELTRUTH WEEKNIGHTS 9PM EST LIVESTREAMING https://www.steeltruth.com SPECIAL GUESTS: PETE SANTILLI https://thepetesantillishow.com/ DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO https://zstacklife.com/truth SHOW DESCRIPTION: Pete Santilli explains his relationship to John Pierce, former Kyle Rittenhouse defense attorney, Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, Patrick Byrne, General Flynn and […]Read More

You may have heard … Dec 6

  Dear Patriots, Over the past year, we have often asked you to “Hold Fast”.  We have always believed the truth and common sense would eventually win out; that if we keep fighting, sharing and praying, our country will overcome the daily attacks on our freedoms.   You may have heard that in the past few days […]Read More

666 Cases of Heart Disease in 12 to 17-Year-Olds After

by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The COVID-19 shots cause heart disease, mainly myocarditis and pericarditis, which is destroying the health of our young people. This is a fact that is no longer in dispute, as even the CDC admits this, as their most recent report states: As of November 24, 2021, VAERS has received 1,949 reports […]Read More

COVID-19 Patient-Survivors on the MATH+ Protocol Dr. Paul Marik Temporary

Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance @FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance 13,495 Followers Follow This video was produced as evidence in a legal case to obtain a temporary restraining order against Sentara Healthcare System. That is where Dr. Paul Marik, the most highly published Critical Care Intensivist in the world, is being prohibited from giving his critically ill ICU patients […]Read More