• June 26, 2024

Editor @Investigator_50

Hizballah’s Advanced Missile Targets Israeli Drone as Israel Rethinks Purpose

by Yaakov Lappin Special to Investigative Project on Terrorism News February 16, 2021 Hizballah’s decision to fire an advanced surface-to-air missile (SAM) at an Israeli intelligence-gathering drone over Lebanon Feb. 3 is an acute reminder of a daily, high-stakes cat-and-mouse game between a democratic state and a terror organization that has morphed into a terror army. […]Read More

Trump Impeachment Attacking 1/3 US Population Including Sidney Powell

The Ledger Report with Graham Ledger Donald Trump is being politically railroaded (again!) by the partisan hack leadership in Washington DC through unconstitutional impeachment. But, We the People are also under assault by these Marxist-socialist hacks who must be politically destroyed! And among those being attacked through this phony impeachment of a private citizen is […]Read More

Activists Outline Plan to Push Black Lives Matter in Classroom

By Jarrett Stepman | February 15, 2021 Corporations, nonprofit institutions, the media, and countless individual Americans have expressed support of the Black Lives Matter movement, funneling millions of dollars into organizations that purport to carry out its cause. But although many Americans support the phrase “black lives matter,” the actual aims of organizations and activists […]Read More

Dershowitz and Rep. Jim Jordan Call for Americans to Fight

By Quinn Weimer | February 15, 2021 “This is McCarthyism; this is just McCarthyism” Constitutional Scholar and iconic Civil Rights Lawyer Alan Dershowitz said Sunday, denouncing the “cancel culture” being promoted by liberals in the U.S. today. Dershowitz, joined by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), discussed the blacklisting of former President Donald Trump’s allies and leftist […]Read More

ABC Now Looks to State and Federal Prosecutors to Get

Nicholas Fondacaro , @NickFondacaro February. 14. 2021 ***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters*** Only after former President Trump was acquitted for the second time in an impeachment trial did ABC finally give any form of credence to the Republican argument that the Senate was not the right place […]Read More