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Biden Mistakes Fox News Host Chris Wallace for NBC’s Chuck Todd

 Biden Mistakes Fox News Host Chris Wallace for NBC’s Chuck Todd

(Photo by MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images)

By Melanie Arter | March 1, 2020

(Photo by MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images)(Photo by MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images)

(CNSNews.com) – Former Vice President Joe Biden accidentally called “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace “Chuck” at the end of his interview, thinking he was talking to NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd.

Biden was asked to respond to President Donald Trump insulting him at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

The president said, “Joe’s not going to be running the government. He’s just going to be sitting in a home some place, and people are going to be running it for him.”

Biden responded saying he would refrain from calling the president names and insulting “the stable genius,” but he said Trump doesn’t know how to run the country, and he could “hardly wait” to debate him on stage.

“We’ll see who’s sleepy,” Biden said. Then when wrapping up the interview, he said, “Alright Chuck” to Chris Wallace.

Wallace pointed out that it’s Chris, not “Chuck.”

Biden realized his mistake and blamed it on having just wrapped up an early morning interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd.

The following is a transcript of the exchange:

Trump at CPAC: “Joe’s not going to be running the government. He’s just going to be sitting in a home some place, and people are going to be running it for him.”

Biden: Is that the stable genius saying that? Oh, give me a break. God, love him. I’m going to resist saying what I feel like saying.

Wallace: No, go ahead. Don’t resist it. Go ahead, Mr. Vice President.

Biden: No, no, no, no, no, no. No, I’m not going to do it. I’m not going to try to assign names and insults to the stable genius. This is a guy who doesn’t know what he’s doing. He doesn’t know how to run the country. He is making us more unsafe the way he’s responding to the coronavirus. He has done virtually nothing well as far as I can see, and so I can hardly wait to debate him on stage. I want people to see me standing next to him and him standing next to me. We’ll see who’s sleepy.

Wallace: Mr. Vice President. Thank you. Thanks for your time. Please come back in less than 13 years, sir.

Biden: Alright, Chuck. Thank you very much

Wallace: Alright, It’s Chris, but anyway.

Biden: Chris, I just did Chris. No, no, I just did Chuck. I tell you what, man. These are back-to-back. Anyway, I don’t know how you do it early in the morning too. Thank you Chris.

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