• July 26, 2024

Biden TANKS even further. Distrusted on WAR, blamed for INFLATION, and disapproval by MAJORITY!!

 Biden TANKS even further. Distrusted on WAR, blamed for INFLATION, and disapproval by MAJORITY!!


Joe Biden is NOT popular. He is very UN-popular, by nearly every possible measure, and it’s a downward slope that just continues and continues, as Chuck Todd was forced to admit on Sunday when going over the latest polling from NBC News.

He’s at just 40% approval in an NBC NEWS poll. You know, the bad guys. This poll leans hard to the left and they still have Joe significantly underwater.

And on Ukraine it’s even worse if you can believe it, with 71% saying they have almost no confidence in his ability to lead.

Watch Chuck Todd deliver the bad news.



And there’s more from the poll. Todd points out most Americans want Biden to focus on the economy. But here’s how good a job they think he’s doing on it anyway.

Yeah I don’t rightly think focusing more is gonna do the trick, pal.

And here’s the kicker. The best part of all, which Chuck Todd didn’t bother to mention. Guess who Americans BLAME for the bad economy and inflation.

That’s right, President Dimwit and his stupid policies. More than any other individual reason, including the pandemic.

People don’t buy his lies trying to blame online shopping or whatever the heck. It’s him. He’s to blame. America knows it.

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