• July 26, 2024

BREAKING: Antifa Throws What Appears To Be a Bomb At Federal Courthouse (VIDEO)

 BREAKING: Antifa Throws What Appears To Be a Bomb At Federal Courthouse (VIDEO)

n Antifa militant in Portland threw what appears to be an improvised explosive device at the federal courthouse in Portland on Monday evening.

Rioters have been attacking the building for over 60 days.

Antifa just threw what appears to be an IED at the federal courthouse. pic.twitter.com/fX1UMvsFUw

— Brittany (@Brittany3l) July 28, 2020

Portland pic.twitter.com/PyZv8qmq3r

— maria viti (@selfdeclaredref) July 28, 2020

A fuckin explosive of some type just went off at the Portland Federal Courthouse. #PortlandRiots#PortlandMomspic.twitter.com/NL4k04P4JN

— Simulation Warlord

(@zerosum24) July 28, 2020

While the rioters have been shooting fireworks and throwing Molotov cocktails for weeks, this explosion was much bigger and sent a moment of shock through the crowd.

Tonight Portland Police were near Lownsdale Square Park. A person pointed out a bag to them. Inside the bag Police found loaded rifle magazines and Molotov cocktails pic.twitter.com/ytpu9pZjqG

— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) July 27, 2020

On Sunday, the Portland Police tweeted that they found a bag containing loaded rifle magazines and Molotov cocktails

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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