• July 26, 2024

BREAKING: Federal Negotiator Will Reportedly Meet with Freedom Convoy Truckers on Tuesday in Ottawa (VIDEO)

 BREAKING: Federal Negotiator Will Reportedly Meet with Freedom Convoy Truckers on Tuesday in Ottawa (VIDEO)

On Monday, a Canadian judge dealt another shocking blow to the trucker convoy, outlawing one of the most effective tactics protesters have employed as they gridlock the Capital city of Ottawa – honking.

The truckers also announced on Monday they will shut down their honking at 8 PM.

Earlier in the day, as Julian Conradson reported earlier, Ontario superior court justice Hugh McLean issued a temporary 10-day injunction that prohibits protesters parked on city streets in downtown Ottawa from honking their horns after a group of central Ottawa residents filed a multimillion-dollar class-action lawsuit against the protesters.

On Monday night Greg Kelly on Newsmax interviewed trucker Gord Voth who is parked in Ottawa with several hundred freedom truckers.

Gord Voth told Kelly the government is sending in a federal negotiator to meet with the truckers on Tuesday morning.

After a week of smears and lies, the government is finally ready to meet with the working-class movement.

Then tonight Justin Trudeau left his bunker to hurl more insults at the truckers.

Via Greg Kelly Reports.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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