• July 26, 2024

BREAKING: Outsiders with USBs and VCards Were Allowed in Pennsylvania Counting Areas with No Observers Present

 BREAKING: Outsiders with USBs and VCards Were Allowed in Pennsylvania Counting Areas with No Observers Present

n IT specialist reached out to the Gateway Pundit and provided more evidence regarding the weak and non-existent system controls in place in the Dominion voting machines and applications.  These machines never should have been used in a Presidential election.

One IT system expert told us that he never would have approved the Dominion system for use.  It is that bad.  Another IT expert provided a review of Dominion based on a vendor user guide he obtained.

HUGE: One of Many IT Heroes Uncovers Damning Evidence Regarding Potential for Fraud Within Dominion Voting Machines

In the post above we shared a tweet where Ron@CodeMonkeyZ stated that the local IT guy as the power to decide elections:

After reviewing the Dominion Voting System user manual, it seems the local IT guy who services the machines is theoretically the ultimate political gatekeeper.

He has absolute power to decide elections.

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) November 11, 2020

This evening another IT expert noted that one of the complaints of the Trump lawsuit in Pennsylvania is the following:

The entire election could have been decided in these back rooms with nobody present.

Our IT expert then located an audit of the Dominion system in California which is out on the Internet.  In the related audit report the state of California showed a high level diagram of the Dominion system which should be similar to the setup in Pennsylvania:

This diagram shows that there are laptops or workstations onsite that some of the workers can access after the ballot images are scanned in. Our expert states that

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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