• July 26, 2024

BREAKING: Trump Wins Washington State Primary, Clinching GOP Nomination for 2024 – Video Message From Trump Added

 BREAKING: Trump Wins Washington State Primary, Clinching GOP Nomination for 2024 – Video Message From Trump Added

UPDATE 11:40 PM – Scroll to the bottom to see a video message from Trump.

Donald Trump has won the Washington state primary, giving him the required number of delegates to clinch the GOP nomination for 2024.

CBS News estimates that Donald Trump is the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee for president in 2024. He has secured enough delegates to be nominated at the GOP convention this summer. pic.twitter.com/xGmTQNLf1D

— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 13, 2024

BREAKING: Donald Trump officially wins the Republican Nomination after surpassing 1,215 delegates.

— ALX (@alx) March 13, 2024

BREAKING: CBS News estimates that Donald Trump is the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee for president

He has now secured enough delegates to be nominated at the party convention this summer pic.twitter.com/Jf73KtOSZF

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) March 13, 2024

It’s official. The 2024 election is now a race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

This post will be updated as more information becomes available.

FOX News reports:

Locking it up: Trump clinches 2024 Republican presidential nomination during Tuesday’s primaries

Former President Trump is officially the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

Trump clinched his party’s 2024 nomination Tuesday when Georgia, Mississippi and Washington state held primaries.

With no major challengers left, both Trump and President Biden, who locked up his party’s nomination earlier in the evening, were on course to collect all or nearly all the delegates up for grabs in Tuesday’s contests, putting each of them over the top and making them the Democratic and Republican presumptive presidential nominees.

Trump and his successor in the White House will formally become the two major party nominees this summer, as the Republicans and Democrats host their national nominating conventions in July and August, respectively.

Trump had 1,078 delegates at the start of the day. He needed 1,215 to lock up the nomination.

More from the New York Post:

The 2020 general election rematch will be the first since 1956, when President Dwight Eisenhower squared off against Adlai Stevenson in a replay of the 1952 presidential contest.

A recent survey from the New York Times and Siena College found that Trump, benefitting from a boost in support from black and

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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