• July 26, 2024

BREAKING: Wisconsin Rioters Light Kenosha County Courthouse on Fire Over Sex Offender Who Was Shot By Police

 BREAKING: Wisconsin Rioters Light Kenosha County Courthouse on Fire Over Sex Offender Who Was Shot By Police

The Kenosha County Courthouse has been set on fire by violent and armed Black Lives Matter rioters over an officer involved shooting earlier in the day.

The rioters also broke into the building prior to setting it ablaze.

Kenosha courthouse set on fire now. #KenoshaRiotspic.twitter.com/Cq3CBipXZo

— Simulation Warlord

(@zerosum24) August 24, 2020

Looting is continuing in Kenosha. They have broken into the court house. The question now is. When will they light it up? pic.twitter.com/kZ60SDyQ3c

— New York Socialist (@berniebromanny) August 24, 2020

At least one officer was injured and appeared to be knocked unconscious by the rioters.

Armed rioters also confronted and threatened police while others blocked their vehicle.

This bro was tripping like crazy in #Kenosha, Wisconsin running up on SWAT with his long gun. Wtf



— Simulation Warlord

(@zerosum24) August 24, 2020

Kenosha pic.twitter.com/FtvARdSzMJ

— special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) August 24, 2020

The extremists set multiple fires and knocked out a police officer earlier in the evening.

Absolute chaos scene in #Kenosha Wisconsin and dude is just wandering around with the long gun like it’s a walk in the park.



— Simulation Warlord

(@zerosum24) August 24, 2020

Multiple garbage trucks were destroyed.

Kenosha pic.twitter.com/IjbSjfSpAn

— special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) August 24, 2020

The violence is in response to a video of the shooting in which the suspect is seen ignoring officers and attempting to reach for something in his vehicle before being shot

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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