• September 7, 2024

California: ‘Disgruntled’ Muslim patient shoots and kills Orthodox Jewish dentist

 California: ‘Disgruntled’ Muslim patient shoots and kills Orthodox Jewish dentist


What was Mohammed Abdulkareem disgruntled about? I’ve been disgruntled with dentists in my time, but have never murdered one. Might this have to do with Islam’s deeply rooted antisemitism and the false claims of “genocide” that are circulating far and wide against Israel these days? If so, will California authorities ever dare to tell us so?

“HORROR: Orthodox Jewish Dentist Shot And Killed In San Diego By Disguntled Muslim Patient,” Yeshiva World News, March 1, 2024:

A 29-year-old man, Mohammed Abdulkareem, was arrested after shooting and killing an Orthodox Jewish dentist, Dr. Benjamin Harouni, at his practice in El Cajon, California, near San Diego.

According to police, Abdulkareem was a disgruntled patient and had rented a U-Haul pickup truck just an hour before the shooting.

The shooting occurred at Smile Plus Dentistry & Orthodontics on North Magnolia Avenue, where Abdulkareem allegedly opened fire with a handgun, killing one person and injuring a receptionist, Yareli Carrillo, 28, and a man in his 40s….

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