• July 26, 2024

CDC Adds EUA COVID Shots to their Childhood Immunization Schedule to Target Poor Families on Government Aid

 CDC Adds EUA COVID Shots to their Childhood Immunization Schedule to Target Poor Families on Government Aid

Schedule to Target Poor Families on Government Aid

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The CDC has announced today that they have added the COVID-19 “vaccines” to their childhood immunization schedule.

The COVID-19 “vaccines” now add another 2-3 doses of vaccines to the 25 doses of other vaccines already on the CDC schedule that can be injected into babies and toddlers during their first 15 months of life.


Page from a pediatrician manual showing how to give multiple vaccines to babies in one office visit.

The COVID shots were also added into the CDC schedule of immunizations for children 18-months-old to 18-years-old.

This seems to be the first time in the history of the CDC that vaccines that are not even FDA-approved but only have EUAs (emergency use authorizations) have been added to the CDC childhood immunization schedule.

How is this even legal?

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, while appearing before Congress yesterday, was asked why these shots were added to the Child Immunization schedule.



The Vaccines For Children (VFC) program is a U.S. Government program to provide vaccines to low-income families receiving government aid through the Medicaid program.

Could this be a path the U.S. Government is creating to require lower-income families to have their children vaccinated in order to receive other Government aid benefits, such as food stamps?

If Brazil is an example of what is to come here in the U.S., then it is most certainly possible, if not probable.

Social Credit Brazilian Style: All UBI Recipients Must Be Vaxxed

Anybody who seriously thinks that Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs of the future won’t be full blown social credit systems need look no further than Brazil, where newly selected socialist / globalist Lula da Silva just decreed that the Bolsa Familia program will require family members to be vaccinated in order to continue receiving benefits.

The news comes via The Rio Times, which describes the Bolsa program as “a social welfare program for the poorest families in Brazil” and “a kind of Universal Basic Income”. (Full article.)

Having the CDC add the EUA COVID shots to their childhood immunization schedule also opens the door for local health departments and school districts to now add these shots to the CDC list of already recommended vaccines as a requirement for school attendance.

At this point, my guess would be that the FDA will fully approve these “vaccines” before the next school year starts, and the Secretary of Heath and Human Services (HHS) will move the shots into the NVICP (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) giving the pharmaceutical companies legal immunity for any injuries and deaths, even after they are no longer covered by the PREP Act and the CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

Thanks to Wayne Rhode, author of “The Vaccine Court“, and his input into the reporting of this article. You can find him on Substack here.

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