• July 26, 2024

Column: Silence on Hunter Biden’s Widow-Trashing Emails

Everyone knows that our “objective” news media treat any journalism on the subject of Hunter Biden as automatically “disinformation.” It still sounds like an impeachable offense. The entire topic seemed forbidden, except when he was making the rounds touting his addiction memoir. Publishers Weekly celebrated it as a “courageous self-assessment.”

Hunter’s business affairs have been under investigation at the Justice Department for years, but we were all in the dark for most of that time. Even now, the media treatment feels like the absolute opposite of the way CNN pounded away daily on the Robert Mueller probe – now supplanted by their daily obsession with the House committee on January 6.

But that tiny trickle of coverage is a deluge compared to Hunter’s tawdry personal life. They are completely allergic to reporting on that, despite their incessant celebration of those illicit-sex heroes Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti, or their hyperbolic promotion of Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers alleging teenage gang rape.

Fox News has been reporting new stories on old emails from the “laptop from Hell.” Jessica Chasmar and Cameron Cawthorne reported on an email he sent in 2018 to Hallie Biden, the widow of his brother Beau. The president talks about Beau all the time, but search the network transcripts for “Hallie Biden” and you’ll find virtually nothing.

Hunter Biden’s marriage to his wife Kathleen fell apart in 2017 after Hunter had an affair with his brother’s widow. At the time, the networks were too obsessed with Trump to notice as Joe and Jill Biden issued a weird statement approving of this (temporary) tabloid tale. “We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness.”

“We are all lucky?” Hunter’s wife and their three daughters were “lucky”?  If you’re not covering it, there’s no need to question it.

In July 2018, Hunter was chewing out Hallie in capital letters in an email titled  “YOU NEED TO GET TESTED FOR HIV HALLIE.” He demanded  “You need to inform me of the result. TODAY….I am getting tested today. I have been sick scared Hallie and you [hang] up on me. The love you give is so disturbing.”

He added “I love you [Hallie] even when you’re cruel….GET TESTED AND TELL ME RESULTS Today.” The email also told Hallie to seek “serious long term professional help.”

Hunter was stringing her along. One month later, in August 2018, Hunter’s child with stripper Lunden Roberts was born. You also won’t find the name of Lunden Roberts in any liberal network transcripts. Anderson Cooper won’t be interviewing her for 60 Minutes.

Hunter and Hallie split in late 2018. In one email Hunter sent to Hallie in December 2018, Hunter called her a “clueless, middle-aged, over botoxed flat a– loser.” One day later, Hallie replied “Please stop the nasty emails and anger. I’m not against you.”

Everyone would understand if she was. It turns out Hunter was also carrying on an affair with Hallie’s older sister, Elizabeth Secundy, who was recently separated. This soap opera makes regular soap operas seem bland.  

Hunter’s merry-go-round of dalliances could lead to a bad end in the tax probe. Clint Lancaster, a lawyer representing Lunden Roberts, told CNBC that Roberts gave federal prosecutors “a significant amount of Hunter’s financial records” after being subpoenaed last month. “I expect him to be indicted,” Lancaster said.

This would be quite a disappointment for CNN. When the Hunter memoir came out, they posted an article with the headline “Hunter Biden’s story is a window into America’s soul.” This is a very dark place, indeed. 

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