• July 26, 2024

Commentators are swiftly posting conclusion about coronavirus outbreak

 Commentators are swiftly posting conclusion about  coronavirus outbreak


People in #Wuhan shouting together from their apartments last night. Some say they shouted to pay tribute to Li Wenliang, who first exposed #CoronaVirus Outbreak, and who died yesterday. What they shouted though, is “Wuhan, Add oil”, meaning keep fighting, pump up, or cheer up pic.twitter.com/3eYG9lKuIV

— 曾錚 Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferatntd) February 7, 2020

Over 30K ducks starved to death for lack of forage due to #coronavirus #coronaviruschina#武漢肺炎 疫情, 三萬多隻鴨子缺飼料餓死了。 pic.twitter.com/dw2rZlogb6

— 曾錚 Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferatntd) February 7, 2020

25 confirmed #coronavirus cases in #HongKong . https://t.co/dVHzhOTXh9

— 曾錚 Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferatntd) February 7, 2020

No idea. One leaked Chinese source says over 20 K, but got deleted soon. A Chinese billionaire, Guo Wengui says over 30K. No way to verify, as the #CCP doesn’t tell you the truth. But definitely much, much more than the official number. https://t.co/cHzc63kwmm

— 曾錚 Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferatntd) February 7, 2020

And, a more advanced stage of monitoring the internet using #bigdata and #AI, in #5G era. This shows how #CCP is monitoring the internet and manipulating public opinion. 进入5G 时代,监控手段也上了台阶,现在是 #大数据 + #人工智能 了。#BigBrother in #China. pic.twitter.com/RHWpG08KWd

— 曾錚 Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferatntd) February 7, 2020

A rare glimpse of how #CCP‘s internet police monitoring everything you are doing! 这个有点壮观。中共监视你在网上的一举一动。#InternetPolice in #China. #BigBrother is watching you. pic.twitter.com/eLVTgXPcUl

— 曾錚 Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferatntd) February 7, 2020

We’re clearly being lied to, wtf is going on in China #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/iorXQDe8Cw

— Thomas Sutherland (@Tssomas) February 7, 2020

29% — that’s the % of the 138 #coronavirus infected patients who are actually infected medical staff in one Wuhan hospital. Almost 1 in 3 patients being hospital healthcare workers is just insane. New case series report in JAMA: https://t.co/j7HPV8j8dp pic.twitter.com/3Hmu3MaE7m

— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 7, 2020

3) Astute readers added 29%+12% and asked if it means 41% of the 138 patients got ? as a hospital-acquired infection… yes but maybe not one’s personal risk walking into a hospital. 12% maybe weak/susceptible, and 29% medical staff have much closer contact than normal patients.

— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 7, 2020

Traffic in China over the past six weeks—Tuesdays at 9am local time.

Live tracking: https://t.co/8zVMaXFjb3 pic.twitter.com/qwBytSm2sG

— Flightradar24 (@flightradar24) February 6, 2020

Breaking: Guangzhou City (population: 14 M) locked down. All residential blocks be isolated from each other. So far around 400 million people locked down in #China to contain #coronavirus. #coronavirusOutbreak Original Chinese official report:https://t.co/emfLIaOLut pic.twitter.com/RmX82iDOEH

— 曾錚 Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferatntd) February 7, 2020

Jiangxi, #China, the govt check body temperature remotely by DRONES. The measurement error within 1 meter is only 1%. ?Visiting door to door may cause secondary transmission of #coronavirus. Smart action to avoid this!#coronaviruschina pic.twitter.com/PRgbIy4kcp

— CoronaVirusIntel (@CoronaVirusInt) February 8, 2020

The empty #ChinaWuHan
Does it look like the end of world? Reminds me of the movie Will Smith’s “I’m legend”?
Today is the 16th day after #WuhanLockDown pic.twitter.com/WAqHHdr7aF

— CoronaVirusIntel (@CoronaVirusInt) February 8, 2020

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