• July 26, 2024

Contact Republican state legislators in swing states. FIGHT FOR TRUMP!

 Contact Republican state legislators in swing states. FIGHT FOR TRUMP!


By  @NYGuy13

It’s been a tumultuous month and yet despite the greatest disinformation campaign in American history, perpetrated by Democrats and the mainstream media, this election has still not been decided and Joe Biden is not President-Elect.

President Trump’s chances for reelection rest with judges and state legislators. The judiciary is currently reviewing a multitude of cases involving illegal voting. But what can the average voter do to help?  According to Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of our constitution, electors sent to the electoral college are chosen by each state’s legislature. President Trump’s legal team, led by Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis has presented each state legislature with mountains of evidence of irregularities and illegal voting. Republican members of these legislatures in swing states must be contacted and encouraged to conduct a full investigation of the 2020 election before sending any electors to the electoral college.  We must act immediately. Time is of the essence! Below are links to contact these legislators grouped by state:



Pennsylvania State Senate

Pennsylvania House of Representatives



Georgia State Senate

Georgia House of Representatives


Michigan State Senate

Michigan House of Representatives


Wisconsin State Senate

Wisconsin Assembly


Arizona State Senate

Arizona House of Representatives


Nevada State Senate

Nevada Assembly





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Editor @Investigator_50