• September 14, 2024

Covid-19 Nevada Strong! One attorney takes on Nevada Gov. Sisolak (D) –

 Covid-19 Nevada Strong! One attorney takes on Nevada Gov. Sisolak (D) –

Ann Vandersteel – Investigator Reporter / Host

Steel Truth

Since the coronavirus crisis, Goveror Sisolak (D) of Nevada has banned much usage of hydroxychloroquine, the treatment touted by doctors around the globe and President Trump, attorney Joey Gilbert is going back in the ring for a TKO to take down covid-19 and make Covid-19 Nevada Strong!

https://yournews.com/ann-vandersteel/ https://www.SteelTruth.com https://www.periscope.tv/thesteeltruth https://dlive.tv/SteelTruth https://www.facebook.com/TheSteelTruth https://wwwbrighteon.com/channels/ste… https://twitter.com/annvandersteel https://www.linkedin.com/in/annvander… Amy Tarquanian https://twitter.com/MrsT106

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