• July 26, 2024

CROOKS AND LIARS: Maricopa County Moves Election Certification to ONE HOUR Before They Were Subpoenaed to Cough Up Election Records

 CROOKS AND LIARS: Maricopa County Moves Election Certification to ONE HOUR Before They Were Subpoenaed to Cough Up Election Records

In a stunning, and impossible, upset Democrat Katie Hobbs allegedly ‘defeated’ extremely popular conservative Kari Lake in the midterm gubernatorial election.

Katie Hobbs did not campaign, did not have a major following, did not hold rallies, and refused to debate.

Hobbs was able to win the election after she somehow won over 50% of the post-election ballots despite Democrats having only a 17% turnout on election day.

It was a miracle win for Hobbs and her fellow Democrats!

MORE ARIZONA DATA: Only 17% of Maricopa Election Day Voters Were Democrat, Only 23% of Primary Election Day Voters Were Democrat — But Democrats Are Winning 50% of Delayed Election Day Totals? IMPOSSIBLE!

Over 25% to 30% of the tabulators were not working on Election Day when Republicans had at least 72% of the turnout.

This is the definition of election interference. It is the definition of election suppression.

If America had a legitimate Department of Justice they would have been in Arizona and the election would already have been disqualified.

They did this in Germany just last week.

A Case for Redoing the 2020 Election Now

The Maricopa County election officials were served with a subpoena to provide election records by 9:30 AM on Monday.

So Maricopa County officials moved their planned 9:30 AM meeting to 8:00 AM on Monday.

They don’t even hide their deceit and fraud. They really don’t care.

Republicans believed they were dealing with honest Americans. Once again, they were fooled.

What ARE these guys hiding? I’ve been told they’ve been served a subpoena to provide election records by 9:30 AM on Monday and they changed their meeting to 8 AM! pic.twitter.com/7cUPdKYWS3

— Dr. Kelli Ward

(@kelliwardaz) November 24, 2022

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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