• July 26, 2024

Deadly Portland Shooting Caught on Video

 Deadly Portland Shooting Caught on Video

The deadly shooting in Portland, Oregon Saturday night was captured in video. The video shows two men in the street with one firing two shots and running away. The victim took a few steps and then collapsed on the pavement. The video was taken during a Facebook livestream by Justin Dunlap. It is not clear from the video if either man had anything to do with the clashes between the pro-Trump caravan and Antifa-Black Lives Matter rioters.

A puff of smoke from gunshots in deadly Portland shooting can be seen in the left center of this screen image, via Justin Dunlap/Facebook.

Video clip posted to Twitter:

Portland shooting pic.twitter.com/jGYHv5FkUQ

— Pris



(@Priscillas_View) August 30, 2020

Justin Dunlap’s Facebook video. Scroll to the 18 minute mark for the shooting.

Portland, Or. Night 95 I think? #dontshootpdx #PortlandProtest #BlackTransLivesMatter #BLM #BlackLivesMatter

Posted by Justin Dunlap on Saturday, August 29, 2020

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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