• October 27, 2024



Dear Patriots,

It’s been a stressful week.

We did not want it to slip by without some good news.

Today we share glimmers of good news in an increasingly dark world. We are not pretending that everything is great, it is not. But, we do want to always offer some hope.

There is always hope.

PLEASE READ the #1 Piece below !!!!!

1- Please read this entire piece.

Margot Cleveland at The Federalist

Sidney Powell’s Plea Proves Fulton County DA Went Nuclear To Get Trump

QUOTE: The bottom line is this: Willis basically extorted a guilty plea from Powell by charging her with seven serious felonies, including a RICO conspiracy count, two counts of conspiracy to commit election fraud, and one count each of conspiracy to commit computer theft, conspiracy to commit computer trespass, conspiracy to commit computer invasion of privacy, and conspiracy to defraud the state.

With a jury culled from deep-blue Fulton County, the risk of a conviction on even one of the felony counts, and the consequential loss of her law license, would be just too great of a chance for any defendant to take — especially when the plea only involved misdemeanors that would be discharged from Powell’s record following probation. Under these circumstances, it would have been lunacy for Powell to have rejected the plea offer.

But what reason would Willis have to offer such a favorable deal? None, if Willis truly believed Powell committed the felonies for which she was charged and Willis had the evidence to prove them. After all, it is not as if Powell’s testimony is needed to establish the other crimes charged against the other defendants.

So why let Powell off with what would be a slap on the wrist if Powell had committed the felonies as charged? The answer seems clear: Powell hadn’t committed the felonies, and Willis never thought she had. But she overcharged Powell to add gravitas to the supposed election conspiracy claims and to make an offer for a first-offender misdemeanor plea deal an offer too good to refuse.

The Fulton County prosecutor played the same gambit with another defendant, Scott Hall, who reached a similar first-offender deal last month. How many other defendants Willis will seek to squeeze guilty pleas from using this ploy remains to be seen, but it is unlikely to work for several of the defendants because the crimes for which they are being charged are ones that fail as a matter of law.

By charging the defendants with multiple felonies, however, Willis made it exceedingly difficult for them to chance a conviction. And she’d likely be happy with misdemeanor first-offender pleas from everyone — until she gets to Trump — proving Willis didn’t just weaponize the criminal justice system. She went nuclear.

2- Even though we do not like a lot of Republicans, it is nonetheless vital we elect as many as possible to all offices. Here is a good example of why.


Arkansas Gov. Sanders’ Latest Move Against the CCP Is a First in the Nation

QUOTE: Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders will announce on Tuesday that a Chinese state-owned corporation must sell more than 100 acres of agricultural land in northeast Arkansas, the consequence of a law signed by Sanders earlier this year barring ownership of agricultural land by prohibited foreign parties, Townhall has learned.

The 160 acres of land owned by Syngenta — an agrichemical company headquartered in Switzerland and owned by Chinese Communist Party-controlled ChemChina — is the first to be hit with the consequences of Act 636 which went into effect earlier this year after being signed by Governor Sanders.

As summarized by the state House, the legislation “prohibits certain foreign parties from acquiring any interest in Arkansas agricultural land, provides penalties for violations, [and] creates the Office of Agricultural Intelligence for information analysis and enforcement.” The Chinese Communist Party is one such entity that is now prohibited.

With Tuesday’s announcement, Governor Sanders will again show that it is possible for conservative Republicans to, as some pundits put it, “walk and chew gum at the same time.” In addition to efforts to restrict the CCP’s activities in the United States, Sanders has — within less than a year in office — signed sweeping education reform, slashed state taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars, cracked down on violent criminals, and enacted protections against COVID mandates.

3- We bet you missed this story. The Fake News ignored it almost completely! Republican Jeff Landry won a landslide election flipping the Louisiana governor’s mansion red. The results have shocked political observers.

The victory was so strong that Landry will not have to run against a Democrat in a November runoff.


Networks Ignore BIG GOP Gubernatorial Win in Louisiana

QUOTE: Last Saturday, Republicans won a massive victory by winning their first gubernatorial election in the state since 2011 when the state’s attorney general Jeff Landry beat his Democrat opponent. This victory is even more impressive that he won over 50 percent of the vote and managed to avoid a run-off. On Sunday morning, ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS Sunday Morning, and NBC’s Sunday Today ignored this Republican win.

Instead of reporting on Landry’s victory, the networks wasted valuable airtime with news of Best Buy discontinuing the sale of DVDs (ABC), an interview with The Rolling Stones (CBS), and an interview with Taylor Swift’s manager Jack Antonoff (NBC).

According to a report from The Daily Caller, Landry was backed by former President Donald Trump and will succeed “Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, who did not seek re-election due to term limits.”

“Landry avoided a runoff under Louisiana’s “jungle primary” system by receiving more than half the votes, the outlet reported,” The Caller reported.

When it comes to substance, Landry appears to be a solid constitutional conservative.

While people outside Louisiana might not care and wonder why the national newscasts should cover the election results, it’s important to know that state policy often has national implications.

Plus, if the election went the other direction, you can bet the networks would be all over this.

4- We do not agree with everything the Republicans do in North Carolina but we know this is better than the Democrats!

Just The News

North Carolina Republicans override Dem governor’s vetoes of two election integrity bills

QUOTE: North Carolina Republicans in the state legislature overrode Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s vetoes on two election integrity bills, passing the bills into law.

On Tuesday, the Republican-controlled North Carolina state legislature overrode Cooper’s vetoes on Senate Bills 747 and 749.

SB 747 requires absentee ballots to be received by Election Day and bans Zuckbucks — the injection of private money into public election administration. SB 749 splits the appointments of the state Board of Elections between the state legislature majority and minority party leaders. Previously, the governor would make the appointments on the recommendations of the two largest state parties and choose his own tie-breaker.

5- The United States is blessed with massive sources of energy, some still undiscovered. We have the ability to be completely energy independent, which is vital to our national security.

That is, if the Uniparty will let us access and use this abundance. Recently, it was discovered that we have the largest lithium deposits in the world in an old volcano in Oregon.

Science Times

Massive Lithium Deposit Unearthed in Nevada-Oregon Volcanic Caldera

QUOTE: Establishing a sustainable lithium supply chain for electric vehicle batteries and grid storage worldwide requires environmentally-friendly lithium extraction methods. Volcano sedimentary lithium resources, typically shallow and high-tonnage deposits with minimal waste, hold promise in meeting these criteria.

Recently, a breakthrough discovery suggests that the United States (US) may have serendipitously discovered the world’s largest deposit of this nature, potentially revolutionizing lithium sourcing for clean energy technologies.

In the study, titled “Hydrothermal Enrichment of Lithium in Intracaldera Illite-Bearing Claystones” published in Science Advances, researchers estimate that the volcanic crater on the Nevada-Oregon border called McDermitt Caldera harbors 20 to 40 mllion metric tons of lithium.

Based on these latest estimates, the McDermitt Caldera contains a staggering amount of lithium, surpassing even the lithium reserves found in Bolivia’s renowned salt flats, which house approximately 23 million tons.

6- This is what it will take to get changes within the completely broken university system in America. We urge everyone to stop supporting universities and colleges with your money.


Hedge fund billionaire Cliff Asness bashes UPenn for hosting ‘antisemitic Burning Man fest’

QUOTE: Hedge fund tycoon Clifford Asness has joined the exodus of deep-pocketed donors from the University of Pennsylvania over a pro-Palestinian literary conference the Ivy League school hosted last month, which he described as an “antisemitic Burning Man fest.”

Asness — who as the founder of AQR Capital Management has an estimated net worth of $1.6 billion, according to Forbes — penned a scathing letter to the president of his alma mater, Elizabeth Magill, for hosting a Palestine Writers Literature Festival featuring a lineup of speakers critical of Israel to celebrate Palestinian culture.

“I’m 100% for free speech but not asymmetrical free speech where some have it and some don’t. Imagine Penn’s action if that event was as anti- anyone else other than Jews!? Hiding behind ‘free speech’ when it is a right only embraced for antisemites and other fellow travelers is not ok,” Asness wrote in a letter to Magill.

“I do not like making something like this about money — but it appears to be one of the only path that has any hope of mattering, and it has become clear that is the only voice some of us have,” added Asness in the note dated Monday.

Asness wasn’t the only donor to halt funding to UPenn following the controversy surrounding the pro-Palestinian event.

David Magerman, a fellow UPenn alumnus who helped build the quant hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, also slammed the school over its “misguided moral compass,” and said he will “refuse to donate another dollar to Penn” in a letter to Magill that board chair Scott Bok

“Over the past month, I have been deeply embarrassed by my association with and support for the University of Pennsylvania,” he wrote in the letter Monday.

“The leadership of the university has failed to demonstrate the values I expect from an institution that purports to educate young adults and prepare them for a lifetime of leadership and to be emissaries for good in the world.”

7- More on the revolt against failed universities by their mega donors.


Revolt Against Moral Confusion in the Ivy League Rocks Penn, as Huntsman Foundation Ends Its Long-Time Support for a School It Says Has Become ‘Unrecognizable’

QUOTE: Ambassador Jon Huntsman Jr. issued a devastating statement, calling the school “deeply adrift in ways that make it almost unrecognizable.” The statement calls the university’s silence after Hamas’ attacks on Israel on October 7 “a new low” and declares, “Silence is antisemitism, and antisemitism is hate, the very thing higher ed was built to obviate.”

“Consequently,” continues the statement by Mr. Huntsman, former ambassador of America to both Russia and China, “Huntsman Foundation will close its checkbook on all future giving to Penn — something that has been a source of enormous pride for now three generations of graduates. My siblings join me in this rebuke.”

Penn is part of a broader revolt against the the pusillanimity of trustees and administrations of the Ivy League. At Harvard, billionaire Bill Ackman, an alumnus, is seeking to find out the names of students belonging to the campus organizations that side with Hamas against Israel. He wants to avoid hiring them.

8- We like this trend.

The National Pulse

New Zealand Just Elected Its Most Conservative Government in Decades.

QUOTE: Voters in New Zealand have elected a right-wing government, ousting the party once led by COVID tyrant Jacinda Ardern.

The coalition government will be led by Christopher Luxon, a former chief executive of Air New Zealand, and will consist of his center-right National Party and Act, a smaller libertarian party.

Voters cited the cost of living as their primary concern, leading to the collapse of support for the Labour Party, which won 50 percent of the vote in 2020.

9- The good news is that people are not buying their dangerous and ineffective injections. The bad news is they will invent another drug to force on us for their profits.


Pfizer slashes full-year earnings and revenue guidance as Covid treatment, vaccine sales slump

QUOTE: Pfizer slashed its full-year earnings and revenue guidance on Friday, as it said demand for its Covid products has waned.
The company now expects 2023 sales of $58 billion to $61 billion, down from its previous guidance of $67 billion to $70 billion. Pfizer said it cut its revenue outlook “solely due to its Covid products.”

10- Corporations fell hard for a political fad. They abandon their customer base to appease a small faction of loud people.
They now pay a heavy financial cost.


ESPN Profit Plunges 20%

QUOTE: Disney-owned ESPN’s profits plunged 20% to $1.48 billion in the first nine months of fiscal 2023, an SEC filing shows.

Sales declined 1.3% to $13.2 billion.

The financial report on ESPN, ESPN-related channels, ESPN+ and Star India provided a rare deep dive, as the media conglomerate seeks to find a buyer for what was Disney’s most prized franchise.

Disney is expected to fall tens of millions short of its 2024 goal for Disney+ and Hulu subscribers in the aftermath of big price increases for their streaming services and growing public anger over its woke policies. Last week, Disney raised ticket prices as much as 10% for its Disneyland resort in California and Walt Disney World in Florida,

Separately, in February, Iger laid out plans for a $5.5 billion cost-cutting spree. In early 2022, Disney’s political demands in Florida that children as young as the third grade be taught sexual matters sparked a national furor among conservatives, with boycotts against the entertainment giants services like Disney+ and Hulu.

11- While we have qualms about this company in general, we do find it amusing that their push to wokeness has been a financial disaster.

FOX Business

Victoria’s Secret ditches prioritizing wokeness over ‘sexiness’ after sales drop

QUOTE: Lingerie chain Victoria’s Secret is reportedly ditching its woke, feminist makeover of recent years as it hasn’t translated to business success.

Since the brand decided to move away from its “hyper-sexualized” image – as BusinessOfFashion.com described it in a recent article – Victoria’s Secret has seen a significant revenue drop.

As such, it has looked to revamp itself and bring back “sexiness,” the outlet noted in a piece that was also published by editorial partner CNN on Tuesday.

According to the numbers, the lingerie brand’s projected revenue for 2023 is $6.2 billion, which is 5% lower than it was last year, and even lower than 2020, when the brand’s revenue was $7.5 billion. The drop in Victoria’s Secret’s sales also followed the company’s move to make its board of directors mostly female.

PRAY for divine intervention. PRAY for Sidney and all warriors. SHARE the truth.

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic


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To have confidence in the outcome of any election, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

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