• July 26, 2024

Defending The Republic

 Defending The Republic


Good News Friday: 09/08/23 …


September 08, 2023


Dear Patriots,

Even a short week seems long these days as we wrestle with the lies of the left.

But, do not despair, there is some good news.

1- A big win in Arizona. Warrior Kari Lake has never given up her war on election fraud.

The National Pulse 

Court Rules AZ Used Illegal Signature-Verification in Elections.

QUOTE: A state court has ruled that the Arizona Secretary of State used illegal signature-verification methods in the state’s prior two elections. The Superior Court for the County of Yavapai ruled that the Secretary, in permitting signature verification with documents that have no relation to the act of registering, “contradict[ed] the plain language” of the law.

In the decision, Judge John Napper wrote that the Arizona election “statute is clear and unambiguous” while adding, “…the legislature intended for the recorder to attempt to match the signature on the outside of the envelope to the signature on the documents the putative voter used to register.” By not specifically matching ballot signatures with voter registration documents, the Arizona Secretary of State acted in violation of the law.

Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE), a legal organization founded to defend state election laws, filed a lawsuit in March against the Arizona Secretary of State’s office – challenging it’s authority to ignore the state’s signature verification statute as written. According to RITE the Secretary’s instructions to “use a broader and less reliable universe of comparison signatures” resulted in “…ballots [being] counted despite using a signature that did not match anything in the voter’s registration record.”

Counsel for all parties have been ordered by Judge Napper to appear for a status conference on Sept. 19.

The 2022 elections in Arizona were fraught with accusations of voter fraud and mismanagement by then Secretary of State Katie Hobbs – herself a candidate for governor. Kari Lake, the Republican gubernatorial, argued at the time that many voter signatures were verified by election officials with no observers present. Lake was defeated by Hobbs by less than 20,000 votes. In the Arizona Attorney General race, Republican candidate Abraham Hamadeh was defeated his Democrat opponent by only 280 votes.

2- Thank you Senator Vance for stepping up to protect all Americans from the tyranny of masks. Masks do nothing but serve as a symbol of fear and submission. If you are so inclined, call your Senators and demand they join this bill.


Sen. JD Vance to force vote on bill banning federal government from reimposing mask mandates

QUOTE:  U.S. Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio announced Wednesday that he would force a vote on the Senate floor of his new legislation to ban the re-implementation of mask mandates on public transportation and in schools.

In a Wednesday press release, Vance’s office stated that the senator intends to force a vote Thursday on his “Freedom to Breathe Act,” which would bar the Biden administration from imposing any new “federal mask mandates for domestic air travel, public transit systems, and primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools.”

The Catholic senator introduced the legislation on Tuesday, calling on Congress to prevent the mandates from returning at least until December 31, 2024. The law would not forbid the reimposition of mask mandates in hospitals or nursing homes.

Vance pointed out that Americans have already “tried mask mandates,” which have “failed to control the spread of respiratory viruses, violated basic bodily freedom, and set our fellow citizens against one another.”

“This legislation will ensure that no federal bureaucracy, no commercial airline, and no public school can impose the misguided policies of the past,” he said.

In a statement, Vance said that “[m]ultiple entities within our government, within the public health bureaucracy, there are local schools in the D.C. area now reimposing mask mandates, this is coming back unless we stop it from happening.”
“If they say the mask mandates are not coming back, then come to the Senate floor, vote with us, and say ‘no more mask mandates,'” the Ohio senator added. “Let’s make it bipartisan.”

3- We do not think the Democrats realize the extent of the contents of their Pandora’s Box.

Read more about the people who have been charged in an article by warrior Andy Ngo.

The Blaze

Georgia’s Republican AG announces indictment of 61 people under the RICO statute used just weeks ago against Trump

QUOTE: In a controversial move, Democratic Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis charged former President Donald Trump last month under Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. It appears Willis, the proud daughter of a top Black Panther, may have unwittingly opened Pandora’s box as it pertains to the acceptability of lawfare in the state — to the detriment of her fellow leftists.

Georgia’s Republican attorney general made clear Tuesday that the gloves are now off, indicting 61 radicals under the same statute.

Now with the shoe on the other foot, leftists are decrying the RICO charges, calling them “anti-democratic,” reported the Associated Press.

Leftist militants have long campaigned against the construction of the new $90 million police training center in Dekalb County’s South River Forest, employing terroristic tactics to get their way.

Gov. Brian Kemp (R) noted earlier this year that “domestic terrorism will NOT be tolerated in this state. … We will not rest until those who use violence and intimidation for an extremist end are brought to justice.”

They don’t want you to see this … Big Tech does its best to limit what news you see. Make sure you see our stories daily — directly to your inbox.
In January, Attorney General Chris Carr put the extremists — who have enjoyed support from Democrat-affiliated entities and other liberal outfits — on notice, stressing, “We are not Oregon. We are not California. We are not Washington. You cannot come to our state, break our laws, throw rocks at buildings, damage property, and shoot police officers. You can and you will be charged, and that’s exactly what we’re doing.”

In the months since, dozens of radicals including a Southern Poverty Law Center attorney have been charged in connection to the so-called “Stop Cop City” movement.

Three dozen have been slapped with domestic terrorism charges. Three have been hit with felony intimidation charges for reportedly distributing flyers accusing a state trooper of being a “murderer” for killing a violent extremist. Three radicals involved with the Atlanta Solidarity Fund were charged in May with charities fraud and money laundering.

While some of these charges might ultimately stick, it appears that Carr is not taking anything for granted. Besides, now if convicted under RICO, the extremists’ sentences could be greatly compounded.

4- The situation with illegals and our open boarder is absolutely untenable. Due to Biden policy, the entire country is in a dangerous position.
And yet, we admit to a little smugness seeing how Democrat politicians in California and New York, who declared their domains as Sanctuary Cities/States are reacting to reality.

Democrat policies NEVER work. This is a good lesson for all of Americas: voting for any Democrat will bring misery.
If you have not heard the Mayor of New York ranting about illegals in his city, you can catch it here.

Daily Signal 

Protests Erupt in Blue Cities Over Illegal Immigrants as Leftists Reap What They Sow

QUOTE: The meltdown in blue cities over the busing of illegal immigrants continues, and it’s causing Democrats serious problems.

That’s good, because it’s their fault this is happening.

What the media inaccurately call the “migrant crisis” (these are people who have unlawfully crossed the U.S. border, not migrants) is battering so-called sanctuary cities, such as New York and Los Angeles.

Texas sent a 12th bus full of illegal immigrants to Los Angeles on Monday.

“The migrants were from Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, and Venezuela,” it said.

The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to consider the possibility of a lawsuit and “criminal probe” against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

Wait a minute. Why are they suing and not celebrating? I thought all are welcome, no exceptions? Surely, they can find some houses in their city with signs declaring that they believe “no human is illegal” and all that.

Just a few months ago, this same City Council declared Los Angeles a sanctuary city and prohibited city resources from being used in immigration enforcement.

5- It has not been often that we could look to Mexico for inspiration.

Biz Pac Review

Mexican parents take mandated textbooks tainted with ‘virus of communism’ and set them ablaze!

QUOTE: Christian Mexican parents are taking school books filled with the “virus of communism” and warped gender ideology and are burning them in protest.

Investigative reporter Andy Ngo wrote on X, “People in Chiapas, Mexico & other states have been burning textbooks from the Ministry of Public Education over accusations they indoctrinate children with ‘Marxist-communist’ ideology. The protesters object to the ‘sexual & gender ideology’ in particular.”

The series of roughly three dozen government-written, free textbooks will be required reading for first through ninth grades in every school nationwide, starting on Aug. 28.

The parents took to the streets in protest of the “Marxist-communist” indoctrination of their children last week, according to Fox News.

Christian groups in Mexico have been protesting this for a while. Textbooks from the Ministry of Public Education intended for the new school year allegedly contain sexual and gender ideology content. At least 12,000 people have attended the protests in Aguascalientes which is one of the 32 states that make up the Federal Entities of Mexico, according to Mexico News Daily.

In Chiapas, parents gathered to cheerfully burn the books. That’s a southern Mexican state bordering Guatemala. Many of the residents of the town are Evangelical Christians and are done tolerating the communist ideology being foisted upon them and their children.The enraged parents set fire to unopened boxes of textbooks outside Benito Juárez Elementary School, claiming the books teach communism, homosexuality, and lesbianism.

6- We are happy for reinstated warrior Dr. Littell. He stood firm and now can help other doctors face down the leftist Covid-CCP zealots.

The Epoch Times

Florida Doctor Reinstated After Losing Board Certification for Criticizing COVID-19 Vaccines

QUOTE: A Florida physician known for being outspoken about COVID-related topics has regained his board certification that was stripped because he publicly criticized COVID vaccines.

Now, Dr. John Littell is moving forward from the experience with plans to help future physicians defend themselves when disciplined for voicing viewpoints that are not in the majority, he told The Epoch Times.

Dr. Littell, a longtime family physician in Ocala and a medical school professor, began posting videos sharing his thoughts about COVID-19 testing, treatments, and vaccines early in the pandemic. He was frustrated to find his content often was pulled down from his YouTube channel. But he fought against what he saw as censorship by moving the content to other platforms, such as Rumble, he said.

Then, in January 2022 and again five months later, he received warning letters from the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), the organization that issued his certification for his medical specialty.The letter stated that his videos on YouTube and Rumble spread “medical misinformation” and could put his board certification in jeopardy, he said.

The ABFM declined to comment on the matter because the board’s “policy indicates we are unable to comment about professionalism cases,” an unidentified spokesperson said in an email to The Epoch Times.The ABFM is the third largest of the 24 boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties. More than 100,000 family medicine doctors are certified by the board, according to its website.

7- We are sorry that Megyn Kelly is unwell due to the Covid-CCP injections. But we are glad that she can use her platform to tell this story. After all, she used her platform to advocate FOR the injections, back in the day.

The National Pulse

Megyn Kelly Regrets COVID Shot, Confirming Autoimmune Condition.

QUOTE: Megyn Kelly regrets getting vaccinated and boosted, saying she doesn’t think she needed it and that a top rheumatologist believes an autommune condition she developed recently could have been caused by the inoculation.

“I regret getting the vaccine even though I’m a 52-year-old woman because I don’t think I needed it, I think I would’ve been fine,” she lamented. “I got Covid many times [anyway], and then for the first time I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical. I went to the best rheumatologist in New York and I asked her, do you think this could have to do with the fact that I got the damn booster and then got Covid within three weeks? And she said yes, yes. I wasn’t the only one she’d seen that way.”

A peer-reviewed study published by the Multi-disciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) in May found that people injected with two or more doses of mRNA-based Covid vaccines had “abnormally high levels of IgG4,” linked to “a group of fibroinflammatory diseases that affect a variety of tissues resulting in tumor-like effect and/or organ dysfunction.”

The study also found that repeat vaccination “could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2 infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses,” and “autoimmune diseases [and] cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.”

PRAY for divine intervention. PRAY for Sidney and all warriors. KNOW the truth. SHARE the truth.

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic



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