• July 26, 2024

Devout Catholic Joe Biden Tells America: “No Miracle Coming”

 Devout Catholic Joe Biden Tells America: “No Miracle Coming”

Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden told America “there is no miracle coming” to save us from the COVID-19 China coronavirus pandemic. Biden made the remark during his nationally televised acceptance speech for the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination at a near empty hotel convention center in Wilmington, Delaware.

Biden is a devout Catholic, or so the media and his campaign tell us:

Biden’s identity as “a very devout Catholic and person of deep faith,” deputy political director John McCarthy said, is “baked into the core messaging and core functions of the campaign.”

Biden has framed his presidential bid as a fight for “the soul of the nation,” a subtle invocation of the Catholic beliefs that have guided his life. His campaign has released three digital ads focused on faith, including one crediting his religious practices with instilling a “sense of solace.”

Catholics believe in miracles, yet here was a haughty Joe Biden on Thursday night lying about President Trump’s response to the pandemic, lecturing Trump and America, “He keeps waiting for a miracle. Well, I have news for him: No miracle is coming.”

Biden condemns President Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic: “He keeps waiting for a miracle. Well, I have news for him: No miracle is coming.” #DemConventionhttps://t.co/GtFLIpIPzXpic.twitter.com/ag3sZAuDdN

— CBS News (@CBSNews) August 21, 2020

Some comments on Biden from political observers:

Democrats spent the 1st hour of #DNCConvention telling us Biden is a man of deep faith. Then, in his speech he told us with conviction that regarding covid, “No miracle is coming!”

— Rachel Campos-Duffy (@RCamposDuffy) August 21, 2020

Joe Biden 2020: “No miracle is coming!”

Now *that’s* a slogan.

— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) August 21, 2020

“No miracle is coming.”

— Biden who is trying to stop the bleed of the Catholic vote and featured prayer beads in his video leading up to this speech. This was a very poor line to use, especially as their entire convention is meant to appeal to soft Republicans. #DemConvention

— Ali Alexander

(@ali) August 21, 2020

Biden: “No miracle is coming.” So says the man who says he has a deep and abiding faith

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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