• July 27, 2024

Do we want to be increasingly controlled by and dependent upon the government … OR … do we want to go back to living free, prosperous, and independent lives?

 Do we want to be increasingly controlled by and dependent upon the government … OR … do we want to go back to living free, prosperous, and independent lives?

Fellow Conservative:

We now face an important choice about our country’s future.

Do we want to be increasingly controlled by and dependent upon the government … OR … do we want to go back to living free, prosperous, and independent lives?

Sadly, many liberal politicians see the coronavirus pandemic as a tool to permanently increase government control over our lives.

One of the top Democrats in Congress called the virus outbreak a “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

This is what we’re up against and it’s why we must do everything we can to elect strong conservatives this year.

Please join me in supporting these outstanding candidates with a split contribution to their campaigns.

These candidates are proven conservatives in competitive races who will join the House Freedom Caucus and fight for less government and more freedom for all Americans.

✅ Scott Perry (PA-10)
✅ Chip Roy (TX-21)
✅ Lynda Bennett (NC-11)
✅ Kim Coleman (UT-04)
✅ Marjorie Greene (GA-14)
✅ Yvette Herrell (NM-02)

✅ Timothy Hill (TN-01)
✅ Jeanne Ives (IL-06)

✅ Kathy Landing (SC-01)

✅ Jim Marchant (NV-04)
✅ Rich McCormick (GA-07)
✅ Barry Moore (AL-02)

✅ Jim Oberweis (IL-14)
✅ Matt Rosendale (MT-AL)
✅ Tom Tiffany (WI-07)

Many liberals don’t care if Americans lose their jobs because for them that means more people on government assistance and more people who are dependent upon politicians for their economic security.

That’s not what America is about and we need more leaders who understand that we are most secure when we are most free.

Please help us fire Nancy Pelosi and take back the House with strong leaders who will fight for freedom.

You can donate directly to all of these priority candidates with an easy split contribution. HFF will pay all processing fees and transfer 100% of your candidate contributions directly to their campaigns.

Thank you for considering this request and for working together to defend the principles of freedom that make America great.



U.S. Congressman, R-Ohio


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Freedom vs Tyranny

Editor @Investigator_50