• September 19, 2024

Dominion Subpoena Deadline Expires Tomorrow – Company Refuses To Release “Intellectual Information” To Arizona Senate

 Dominion Subpoena Deadline Expires Tomorrow – Company Refuses To Release “Intellectual Information” To Arizona Senate

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann

Tomorrow, August 2nd is the deadline set for Dominion and Maricopa County to either comply with legislative subpoenas or appear before the Arizona Senate to testify at 1 P.M.

Senate President Karen Fann Calls On Dominion Voting Systems and Maricopa County Supervisors To Produce Materials or Appear Before Senate on AUGUST 2nd

Dominion Voting Machines and Maricopa County were recently subpoenaed for routers, passwords, Splunk logs, ballot envelopes, voter data breach records, and other evidence from the 2020 election.

BREAKING: Arizona Senate Issues Two NEW Subpoenas Maricopa County Officials for Routers, Passwords, Splunk Logs, MORE

The Associated Press reported that “The auditors have fought for months to get ahold of security tokens needed to access internal configurations of precinct-based tabulators.”

In May, Dominion released a statement saying:

“Releasing Dominion’s intellectual property to an unaccredited, biased, and plainly unreliable actor such as Cyber Ninjas would be reckless, causing irreparable damage to the commercial interests of the company and the election security interests of the country… No company should be compelled to participate in such an irresponsible act.”

It is clear that Dominion has no intention of complying with the Arizona Senate’s subpoenas and it will likely take criminal action to enforce them.

Dominion was hired by the state to provide a free, fair, and TRANSPARENT election. They are not fulfilling their contract.

Why would a full forensic audit of the systems and machines harm the commercial interests of Dominion?

ny company hired by the government should be mandated to participate in any investigation of their systems and motives. 




Source: The Gateway Pundit

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