• October 27, 2024

Emergency Message (Border Crisis)

 Emergency Message (Border Crisis)

Fellow Patriot,

This is Stephen Miller with an emergency message. This week, we are witnessing complete chaos at Eagle Pass, Texas, as our border is being completely overwhelmed with an illegal invasion.

This invasion is destruction by design. The scale of this monstrous scheme by Joe Biden and the radical left is so astounding as to truly defy description. The left is doing everything in its power to ensure this resettlement operation continues apace with devastating and deadly consequences for our Nation.

Of course, this is why we proudly partnered with Texas and 20 other states to stop one of the most prominent of Biden’s extreme open borders schemes, the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants through “parole.” And we have other active lawsuits to stop other lawless programs. But we must do even more!

Biden and the left have orchestrated a mass criminal invasion. Our borders are effectively nonexistent, our cities are flooded, and our families are afraid. As a Nation, we are humiliated, weakened, and are now facing long-term societal collapse if this continues… 

And just today, we learned that the Biden Administration is even closing the railway bridges at El Paso and Eagle Pass, Texas, so that the CBP officers working there can help transit the massive wave of illegal immigrants into our country faster. That’s right; they’re rushing as fast as they can to obliterate our country from the inside, as the media can barely continue to keep a lid on this surreal nightmare exploding onto every single American doorstep.

This is an illegal, nihilistic rush to transform America into a Marxist cesspool and to end Western Civilization as we know it. Nothing could be more urgent for every American tonight than to demand a stop to this madness right now!

Help Me & America First Legal Fight Back Right Now >>

We must light a fire of urgency to save our country tonight. We must recommit our nation to stopping this madness and saving America, or nothing else will matter. Please donate now to help us stop the illegal immigration disaster – thank you >>


Stephen Miller

President, America First Legal 

America First Legal Foundation is an IRS-approved section 501(c)(3) public charity. Your donation to America First Legal Foundation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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