• July 26, 2024

EU OKs Netherlands Plan to Shut Down Thousands of Farms

 EU OKs Netherlands Plan to Shut Down Thousands of Farms


“Free movement of workers”. One of the so called “Four Freedoms” the EU promises all its citizens. Unless you’re a Dutch farmer, apparently. I say it’s about time we bring those tyrannical Eurocrats down. #AbolishTheEU

~ Eva Vlaardingerbroek

The European Commission, on May 2nd, approved a plan by the Dutch government that would compensate livestock farmers in certain areas if they agree to voluntarily [under immense pressure] close their farms as part of the Netherlands’ efforts to reduce nitrogen pollution.

They Can’t Start a New Farm Elsewhere Ever Again

Under the new schemes – LBV and LBV plus – farmers must agree to shut down their production capacity definitively and irreversibly. They will not be allowed to start a new farm anywhere else in The Netherlands or the EU.

“I also highly doubt that prohibiting them to start over elsewhere in the EU is even legal. The whole idea of the EU was supposed to be about freedom of movement and freedom of workers. This is some next-level USSR stuff,” activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek said.

Rob Roos MEP and EvaVlaardingerbroek

All that knowledge and talent will be lost.

The Farmers will have until February 2028 to decide. It’s open to small and medium-sized livestock farmers in “overburdened Natura 2000 areas” in the Netherlands.

They didn’t say what they would do to farmers if they didn’t agree, but in the past, they threatened to take the land and not pay them. Additionally, only farms producing over five years are eligible. Only the productive, working farms will be closed.

Under the €500 million ($551 million) LBV scheme, farmers will be compensated “up to 100 percent” of the losses they incur by closing down their dairy cattle, pig, and poultry breeding sites, in the form of direct grants, according to a statement from the European Commission, Zero Hedge reports from an article written by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times.

The EU Gives The Netherlands the Green Light to Destroy Farms

Some farmers will be eligible for 120% in compensation.

The EU has given the Dutch government the green light to buy out 3000 DutchFarmers offering them up to 120% of the market value, ‘incentivizing’ them to sell ‘voluntarily’ (if they don’t, they’ll be expropriated later), Miss Vlaardingerbroek says.

According to the national statistics office, Dutch agricultural exports were worth €122.3 billion last year.

Farmer protests erupted across the Netherlands last year when the government initially announced the plan to slash nitrogen emissions nationwide, including from farms, by more than 50 percent by 2030.


WEF plans to create a food shortage: “they put a knife to the farmers’ throats. They make sure they don’t get their licenses renewed, they’re plaguing them with new rules & restrictions every day and then offer them a bribe,” – Eva Vlaardingerbroek said.

At the same time, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing people to eat the biggest bottom feeders of the world – insects.

A group of curious cows in summer evening light. A typical Dutch rural scene.
Mark Rutte Will Decide How Many Can Farm

Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s administration made it clear that “there is not a future for all” Dutch farmers. If they don’t meet his government’s objectives, they will be taken down.

One dairy farmer in the Netherlands interviewed by The Epoch Times last year explained that he would have to cut his livestock numbers by 95 percent to meet the government’s new environmental regulations, Katabella Roberts writes at Zero Hedge.

Another stated that the government had forced him to get rid of 12 cows as part of its efforts to reduce phosphate and expressed his concerns that he would have to close down his farm if he was forced to get rid of more.

According to Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek, the plan could see around 3,000 Dutch farmers bought out by the government.

“This is how they do it: they put a knife to the farmers’ throats. They make sure they don’t get their licenses renewed, they’re plaguing them with new rules and restrictions every day, and then offer them a bribe, knowing many will take it out of pure desperation. It’s all so vile,” Vlaardingerbroek wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.

Vlaardingerbroek also questioned the legality of prohibiting the farmers who agree to give up their lands from starting over again in other EU nations.

“The whole idea of the EU was supposed to be about freedom of movement and freedom of workers. This is some next-level USSR stuff,” Vlaardingerbroek added.

They are silencing anyone who disagrees.
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