• July 26, 2024

Even a Third of Democrats Want Biden Impeached: His Approval Falls as They Feel Less ‘Safe,’ ‘Secure’ and ‘Calm’

 Even a Third of Democrats Want Biden Impeached: His Approval Falls as They Feel Less ‘Safe,’ ‘Secure’ and ‘Calm’


 By Craig Bannister | February 3, 2022


Fully one in three (34%) Democrat voters support the impeachment of President Joe Biden, a new national poll by Rasmussen reveals – and results of other national surveys appear to provide the reasons why.

In a survey conducted January 26-27, 2022, Rasmussen asked 1,000 U.S. likely voters if they support or oppose Biden’s impeachment:

“Some Republicans in Congress have endorsed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden, citing his immigration policy and his failure in Afghanistan, among other reasons. Do you support or oppose impeaching President Biden?”

Among all U.S. voters, half (50%) support Biden’s impeachment, including 33% who “strongly support” impeaching and 17% who “somewhat support” the move.

Even a third (34%) of Democrat voters say they support impeachment – with the 19% who strongly support it outnumbering the 15% who just somewhat support it.

By ideology (rather than political party), support for filing articles of impeachment against Biden is lower among self-identified liberals. Among liberals, just 18% are in favor of impeachment, with a mere 7% voicing strong support.

Curiously, 76% of those voters who say they’re not sure whether they’re conservative, moderate or liberal support impeaching Biden. What’s more, 56% of Not-Sures strongly support impeachment, topping both conservatives (52%) and Republicans (53%).

Nearly half (47%) of Democrats and 41% of liberals consider it at least somewhat likely that Republicans will impeach the president, if they win a majority in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections. Of all voters, 45% say impeachment is likely.

So, why do so many Democrats want to impeach the president they elected?

Results of other national surveys may provide a clue.

CBS/YouGov poll reveals declines in the percentages of Democrats who feel “secure” (52%-42%), “calm” (56%-45%) and “satisfied” (54%-49%) since last April.

Likewise, the percentages of Democrats who consider Biden to be “effective” (88%-72%), “focused” (86%-76%) and “unifying” (76%-65%) have all dropped from April.

Since July, Biden’s job rating is also down, with Democrats who strongly approve of his performance declining from 61% to 40% and disapproval rising from 7% to 19%. “Somewhat” approval rose from 32% to 41% among Democrats.

“Our most recent CBS News poll indicates not just a decline in Mr. Biden’s overall approval rating, but also a softening of support among those who still approve of him,” CBS News reports.

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