• July 26, 2024

Excellent Summary of the Durham Investigation to Date – Will Durham Destroy the National Security State or Just Hillary Clinton?

 Excellent Summary of the Durham Investigation to Date – Will Durham Destroy the National Security State or Just Hillary Clinton?

(Reprinted with permission – written by Barbara Boyd at LaRouchePAC

Durham’s Revelations: Destruction of the National Security State—or Just Hillary Clinton?

Some see in Special Prosecutor John Durham’s February 11th filing in the case of former Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussman, the beginnings of a case which will take down the “seditious criminal enterprise”—inclusive of U.S. intelligence community and Obama White House actors, and private contractors who conspired against Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and then engaged in a continuous soft coup to take out the 45th president of the United States.

Kash Patel, the lead investigator for the House Intelligence Committee when it examined Russiagate and the conspiracy against Trump, has that assessment. And the howls coming now from the media, Hillary Clinton, and Sussman’s lawyers, who have asked the court to strike portions of Durham’s February 11th filing and to dismiss his indictment, seem to indicate that Durham is, indeed, over extremely high value targets.

Others think that Durham’s focus is narrower in terms of criminal charges—that he is after Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and the private actors who fed bogus information into a willfully blind and witting FBI and witting Obama White House, to instigate the bogus Russiagate investigations of Donald Trump. They used Washington’s corrupt revolving door of former government employees becoming government private contractors—exploiting their friendships with those still in government for private gain while remaining legally unaccountable for their corrupt and, as in the Sussman case, criminal actions. Executive Order 12333 facilitates this private mercenary relationship by outsourcing many former government intelligence functions to private actors and shielding them from liability.

Durham is also illuminating something else– the raw false propaganda disseminated by a compliant media at an intensity not seen before in history aimed at total control of public opinion.  These fake stories and accompanying total censorship and scapegoating of alternative views were employed during the U.S./British coup in Ukraine in 2014 and then turned against the U.S. population in order to sabotage the Trump presidency and to brainwash the American public.  They are now on full display again in the effort to mobilize public opinion favorably toward both the failing Biden Administration and toward war with Russia and China. The hapless and clinically insane Biden crew heaps praise on the information warfare and “narrative shaping” tactics they are using, seeming to believe that their hot air and manufactured hysteria can overcome Russia’s obvious battlefield advantages.

As we have long demonstrated, the conspiracy against

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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