• July 26, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Militant Leftist Attempts to Kill Conservative Activist After Memorial for Trump Supporter Murdered By Portland Antifa (VIDEOS)

 EXCLUSIVE: Militant Leftist Attempts to Kill Conservative Activist After Memorial for Trump Supporter Murdered By Portland Antifa (VIDEOS)

member of the Proud Boys is hospitalized with severe injuries from being hit by a car after attending a memorial for Aaron “Jay” Danielson, the President Donald Trump supporter who was murdered by Antifa in Portland.

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio told The Gateway Pundit that the victim is bleeding from his brain, damaged his left temporal lobe, has a concussion and is suffering from amnesia and cannot remember the incident.

The Proud Boys are a pro-Trump male social group that frequently stands against Black Lives Matter and Antifa militants — which has made them a hated target of the left.

The Gateway Pundit has been asked to only identify the victim by his first name, Shane, at this time.

Following Danielson’s memorial in Vancouver, a group of Proud Boys went to a bar down the street, according to Tarrio. He said that a man who appeared to be a member of Antifa began taking photos and recordings of the people inside.

Rex Fegus says “people target me all the time” due to the polo shirt he’s wearing, says Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer are not racist orgs;

“The news media has been selling that story to ppl because that’s what ppl want to hear, ppl want conflict. Peace doesn’t sell.” pic.twitter.com/t4PVYKeZ3o

— Zane Sparling (@PDXzane) September 6, 2020

A man who witnessed the incident, Rex Fergus, told the Gateway Pundit that the man “started walking around the bar and recording us, putting his phone in our faces, supposedly for doxing.”

“As he was doing that, one of our guys confronted him and said ‘hey, get out of here, we don’t want you filming us. This is a private establishment and we’re not in public.’ The man continued to try to pick fights with people in the bar at the time, until security finally kicked him out of the bar,” Fergus said.

As the man was kicked out of the bar, there were several Proud Boys in the parking lot smoking cigarettes and just arriving from the memorial service. Fergus explained that the man had also become combative with them, so Shane pulled his phone out and started filming him back.

“Once the guy started his vehicle up and started to drive off, he hit Shane,” Fergus said. “Shane tried to get out of the way and the guy ran him over.”

Fergus said that Shane’s body went up on to the roof of the truck and his head hit the concrete when he fell.

“Immediately he was unconscious. After he hit him, the driver of the truck gassed it and left the parking lot, leaving Shane on the ground,

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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