• July 26, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Reaches Out to GP – Is OUTRAGED CNN Given an Award by White House Correspondents’ Association for “Criminal Activity”

 EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Reaches Out to GP – Is OUTRAGED CNN Given an Award by White House Correspondents’ Association for “Criminal Activity”

Roger Stone and America are totally outraged over a horribly corrupt media organization awarding CNN for leaked coverage of the Roger Stone arrest. 

The Blaze reported today:

CNN is celebrating an award it received over the controversial 2019 filming of the FBI raid and arrest of Roger Stone, one of President Donald Trump’s longtime friends and campaign associates.

The award for journalism was given to CNN by the White House Correspondents’ Association on Tuesday.

“CNN’s reporting on the Roger Stone arrest began a month earlier, with a clue about a court scheduling anomaly. Then came unusual grand jury activity. Then an odd, packed suitcase wheeled by one of the prosecutors in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Stone,” the WHCA judges said of the report.

“It culminated early in the morning of Jan. 25, 2019, when a CNN producer and a photojournalist, staked outside of Stone’s home in Ft. Lauderdale, captured the 5 a.m., no-knock raid by the FBI of the former confidant of President Donald Trump,” the judges added.

In January of 2019, the corrupt Mueller gang arrested Roger Stone early in the morning in his pajamas.  The entire scene was filmed by CNN.  It was clear that someone illegally leaked the planned arrest to CNN.  The entire event was as corrupt as it gets, from phony charges, to corrupt media, to a massive FBI force present to perform an arrest of a 60- some-year-old man for non-violent made up crimes.

Of course, CNN did not play the video of Roger Stone’s wife being dragged outside in her nightgown.  That would have made them look sympathetic to fellow Americans.  They lost that tape.

And then it got worse, as Stone was indicted in a DC court where his case was appointed to the most corrupt judge in the US, Judge Amy Berman Jackson.  His jury was tainted with anti-Trump individuals, the prosecutors were all corrupt and Stone was not allowed to present his full defense – that Russia did not send emails to WikiLeaks before the 2016 election – the entire point his arrest was built on.

Roger Stone shared exclusively with the Gateway Pundit some comments regarding today’s announcement from the White House Correspondents’ Association.  Stone begins with an observation that CNN was involved in criminal activity when they filmed his arrest:

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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