• July 26, 2024

Exposing the Mass Release of Criminal Illegal Aliens

 Exposing the Mass Release of Criminal Illegal Aliens

Fighting back for US!

Fellow patriot,

Important news — my team at America First Legal is suing the Biden Administration for concealing immigration enforcement records from the public in violation of federal law. These government records will expose the intentional evisceration of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and help us document the mass release of dangerous criminal aliens underway because of the Biden Administration’s policies.

America First Legal stands proudly with the brave men and women of ICE. We are committed to defending our ICE heroes, and this country, from Biden’s radical crusade to erase their mission and nullify our laws.


This is a dire public safety crisis. The destruction of interior immigration enforcement in all fifty states has turned our entire country into a sanctuary for criminal illegal aliens. Under Biden’s directives, thousands of criminal aliens in state and local custody are being set free to reoffend every single month, instead of being arrested by ICE and deported. These directives are not only outrageously unconstitutional, but morally reprehensible.

Our lawsuit to recover and expose this concealed information is part of our organization’s larger effort to prevent the Biden Administration’s executive abolition of ICE and its mission. Without immigration enforcement inside the United States—for those who get past our borders or overstay their visas—then America ceases to be a sovereign nation.

It is a national scandal of the highest order that even illegal aliens with serious criminal records face minimal risk of deportation under the Biden Administration’s new immigration policies, which is why they are trying to hide these documents from America First Legal and YOU.

That is why we are suing to force these crucial DHS documents out into the open! 


Right now—we need your help—the Biden Administration is moving fast and ruthlessly in its manic quest to liquidate our laws, our borders, and our sovereignty. We at America First Legal are one of the only groups fighting back in federal court.

It will take all America First Patriots fighting together to save our country before it is too late.

This is personal for me. I worked under President Trump to help support our ICE heroes like never before, and now these brave patriots are under assault like never before.

I am counting on you. Your country is counting on you. And all of our children are counting on US.

Please help AFL expose the Biden Administration right now.  

Thank you!

Stephen Miller

President, America First Legal


America First Legal Foundation is a national, nonprofit organization that works to promote the rule of law in the United States, prevent executive overreach, ensure due process and equal protection for all Americans, and to encourage the diffusion of knowledge and understanding of the law and individual rights guaranteed under the United States Constitution and the laws of the United States.

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