• July 26, 2024

FAKE NEWS: NBC Reporter Tweets Clip of Gun Advocates Chanting ‘We Will Not Comply’ – Except It Was the Pledge of Allegiance

 FAKE NEWS: NBC Reporter Tweets Clip of Gun Advocates Chanting ‘We Will Not Comply’ – Except It Was the Pledge of Allegiance


Brittany M. Hughes , @RealBrittHughes

An NBC reporter got blasted on Twitter Monday after tweeting out a video clip in which he claimed pro-Second Amendment advocates rallying outside the Virginia capitol were chanting, “We will not comply.”

The problem? The crowd was chanting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chants of “we will not comply” from gun rights protesters in Richmond. pic.twitter.com/BjEfniwMKP

— Gabe Gutierrez (@gabegutierrez) January 20, 2020

Hundreds of Twitter users were quick to point out the stark difference between Gutierrez’s claim and the very clear audio from the footage.

Several protesters were seen around the capitol toting signs that read “We will not comply.” As of 11 a.m., the rally, which some reporters on the ground have estimated to number over ten thousand, was entirely peaceful and without incident. The large group of demonstrators frequently erupted with chants of “USA” and sang patriotic songs.

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