• July 26, 2024

Far Left Google-YouTube Extends Suspension on US President Trump – Blocks Rudy Giuliani from Posting Ads – Continues to Censor Conservatives

 Far Left Google-YouTube Extends Suspension on US President Trump – Blocks Rudy Giuliani from Posting Ads – Continues to Censor Conservatives

Far-left Google-YouTube extended its suspension on US President Trump on Tuesday.

YouTube also restricted Rudy Giuliani from running ads on his platform.

On January 12th YouTube suspended President Trump’s account for allegedly “inciting violence.”

YouTube Suspends President Trump’s Channel for “Inciting Violence”

This is nothing new. Google and the tech giants have been censoring conservatives for years.

It’s just that now these corrupt far-left zealots believe they are more powerful than the governments.

Video Reveals How Far Left Google Censors Conservative Content in Search Results

Let’s hope President Trump moves away from these horrible companies and never looks back.


Politico reported:

Video sharing giant YouTube extended its suspension of former President Donald Trump’s channel indefinitely on Tuesday and restricted Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani’s ability to make money off the platform.

The latest clampdowns: The Google-owned company announced that for the second time in two weeks, it would extend restrictions that block Trump from posting on the platform. The company initially blocked him on Jan. 12 amid fears of additional violence in the wake of the insurrection at the Capitol by Trump’s supporters.

YouTube initially said it was giving Trump his first of three strikes before it would permanently ban him from the site under its content policies, suspending him for a minimum of one week. It extended that suspension last Tuesday for at least another week. But the company offered no timetable for the latest extension, making his suspension effectively indefinite.

“In light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, the Donald J. Trump channel will remain suspended,” YouTube spokesperson Ivy Choi said in a statement.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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