• July 26, 2024

FBI Issues Weak Response – Admits Fault in Durham Report, Claims “Missteps Identified in the Report Could Have Been Prevented”

 FBI Issues Weak Response – Admits Fault in Durham Report, Claims “Missteps Identified in the Report Could Have Been Prevented”

On Monday, the FBI released a response to the damning report by Special Counsel John Durham, who determined that the DOJ and FBI “failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law” when they opened an investigation into the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

The agency issued a weak response in which it admits fault in the Durham report and claims that “dozens of corrective actions” have already been implemented as a result of the investigation.

“The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time,” the agency said in a statement.

The FBI argues that the agency’s error in Durham’s investigation might have been avoided if the recommended measures had been implemented sooner.

“Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented. This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect,” the agency concluded.

Statement on Report by Special Counsel John Durhamhttps://t.co/lcow0ea3mGpic.twitter.com/T4vXqoOMrp

— FBI (@FBI) May 15, 2023

Special Counsel John Durham released his final report concluding the FBI had no verified intel when it opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump in 2016, as reported by Just the News.

Special Counsel John Durham released a damning final report Monday after more than three years investigating the Russia collusion probe, declaring the FBI had no verified intelligence or evidence when it opened up the Crossfire Hurricane probe of President Donald Trump’s campaign in the summer of 2016.

“Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation,” Durham wrote in a 300-plus page report sent to Congress and others and obtained by Just the News. DOJ was slated to make the report public later Monday.

The prosecutor faulted the FBI and Justice Department for failing to follow their own standards and allowing a probe to persist, including the surveillance of an American citizen without basis under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

“Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we concluded the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report,” Durham wrote

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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