• October 22, 2024




Perspective – that’s really what everything boils down to. One can choose to see only gloom and doom, they can choose to see in a hopeful and positive light, or they may land somewhere in the middle. That’s me – right smack in the middle. I’ve seen too much, know too much, and intuit too much to simply settle into hope or sink into the dark abyss. But one thing I’ve come to realize is that by moving through this process I’ve reached a point of becoming fearless to whatever outcomes arise. Perspective is vital, as the mind will inform the body how to feel, the emotions how to react, and either provide or steal the stability and strength of ones spirit. Be fearLESS.

I believe that together we will continue to witness and experience the attempted global destruction for quite some time, but how we spend that time, how we exert our energy, and how we utilize all of our senses to walk through it makes all the difference in the world as to how we feel internally and how we project externally. I feel it would be foolish to think that we will win so many battles against an enemy so hell bent on taking us down. But, I also believe these globalists are foolish to think we will all sit back and take it, and I know that they are banking on our fear to win. Fear less. There is joy to be had and wisdom to be gained throughout this ride of faith, and we have the power to change the globalists’ course if we allow that faith to take hold rather than be distracted by their creative illusions.

No matter how these battles play out, I know that farming and community will be key to our future. I know because I’ve seen this in visions for over 20 years, and we’re now seeing it come to life. How we get there isn’t as predictable, but the bottom line is this – without food we do not survive, and without community we do not thrive. And ultimately, it is how it should have been all along, but we allowed for generations to split from family traditions and self-reliance while caving to unjust rules and regulations that clawed away at our freedom. So in the end, accomplishing this one goal brings us back to center, back to a place where we should have been all along. Back to family. Back to community. Back to being self-sufficient. Back to land and nature. Back to self-empowerment. Back home.

Everyone is on a different point along the path, coming from different locations, situations, and circumstances. Some have been farming and ranching for decades, while others are just beginning their adventure and learning the ropes. Others are coming together with farmers and purchasing from them directly. Some families are buying land together and learning how to homestead, while other families are located on small lots or in apartments growing as much food as space allows but unable to relocate and purchase more land at this time. Though building and planning is important, it’s equally important to remain fearless because these predators prey on fear, and thinking with a clear head is vital.

Part of being fearless is knowing that you can be self-reliant, resourceful, and prepared for just about anything. Build confidence and trust in yourself. I happen to have a vat of resources that I’ve researched, people I’ve interviewed, products and services I utilize myself, and systems and methods in place for a myriad of areas that are critical for our well-being. I thought it would be helpful if I pulled them all together into a “list of lists” for others to access so that everyone can equip themselves with tools, knowledge, services, systems, and products they feel they still need to track down. My hope is that everyone finds at least one new resource that can benefit them or a friend, or gives them ideas of areas they still need to address for their situation.

Whereas some people have a few skills and others are a jack of all trades, it’s important to find trusted resources for things we may need assistance with, such as health related sources or products we can’t make on our own. The idea is to build up what you can accomplish yourself, seek out trusted resources for what you can’t, and protect yourself from the corrupt organizations who want you to own nothing and be happy. These lists below cover a nice range of resources to assist you with these endeavors.

List of Lists

You got this…

The Solution Series – This is a great one to start with. Over the past year my co-host James White, the Solari team, and myself have produced a 24-episode series on various solutions on gardening, farming, healthcare and holistic health, building wealth and community, ham radios, technology, local activism, and much more! Pull up each of the articles and preview videos of the brilliant 24 guests we had on this series, scroll to the bottom of the page, and grab all of the links to these incredible resources. They all have sites with a plethora of helpful information, services, tools, and resources. You are welcome to subscribe to access the full videos as well, but you can grab the links straight from the article pages without subscribing.

Finding Sources of Fresh Food – This is an excellent list of food sources that Pete Kennedy put together for the Solari Report. It contains well over a dozen sources for finding regenerative farms near you, reviewing and understanding the certification processes, and local connections. All of these are excellent to bookmark.

Shopping Club Freedom – This is where I’ve been shopping for 2 years. They have hundreds of non-toxic, American made daily necessities, such as personal care, healthy snacks and drinks, cleaning and laundry products, medicines and treaments, supplements and essential oils, beauty products and more, and they are delivered right to your door. It is an incredible resource that I wish I had found decades ago. Then, this year, they finally got their vertically integrated ranching operation running in full force! So now, I also get my 100% US Prime and High Choice Beef with never ever mRNA, hormones, or antibiotics, and I am stoked because it’s superb tasting and safe because they control their entire food supply chain. The cattle are pasture-raised on thousands of acres by their own mothers, which puts a smile on my face knowing that they are treated humanely.

Food Forest Abundance – Many of you may be familiar with Jim Gale, the co-founder of Food Forest Abundance. We had him on the Solution Series in our very first episode, and that episode is FREE, so go check it out! I’m sharing this resource for those who may be at the point where they’ve purchased land and are ready to rock n roll but are struggling with the best design and setup for a homestead or small farm and could use a permaculture expert to help them out. The cool thing about this is that they can consult and build a complete set of blueprints with instructions and you can take it from there, or if you need and can afford the hands-on help, they can build it out and get you going! They also provide courses, which might be more up your alley. Jim has given me a coupon code to share with you for 5% off: COREYLYNN

Seeds for Generations – heirloom seeds and helpful webinars – This is a source where I buy seeds from. I appreciate their wonderful family, traditions, and a mountain of helpful information on their site, along with free garden planning tools and “how to” webinars. There are many suppliers out there but I can’t speak to those, so I am sharing the source I use.

Solari Food Risk Tracker – This is a good one to check in on periodically to stay on top of what’s happening with the food supply so you can plan accordingly. It aggregates important news stories pertaining to the food supply chain.

Healthcare Galore – There are over 20 health related resources linked under our Solution Series episode with Jen Walters and Matt Hale. From a patient toolbox to health sharing ministries and alternative plans, nurses, doctors, and facilities accepting direct payment, and more.

Covid-19 Resources – This is a BIG LIST of medical resources, doctors, jab healing protocols, legal info, forms, jobs, and other critical information I had put together during Covid lockdowns to assist people on finding medical professionals who knew what was really going on, how to treat them, to access medications, get legal help, treatment protocols for those suffering from the Covid jab, and other key information that people still need and utilize til this day. It’s a great place to find a medical professional, many of whom do telemedicine.

Vitamins & Supplements – I am including this list because it is an important list that breaks down the largest providers of vitamins and supplements, showing who owns them, who has acquired who, and what country they are based out of. This is a handy list to bookmark or print out if you are purchasing vitamins.

How to Find a Local Bank – This is an article that Catherine Austin Fitts put together awhile back. Many people have asked me how best to search for and narrow down a local bank, so I find this to be a helpful resource.

Silver & Gold Payment Calculator – This was developed by Franklin Sanders and Catherine Austin Fitts to make it easy to exchange and transact with silver and gold coins. Bookmark this one, as it will likely become more useful as things evolve.

Patriot Prepared – This is another source I use for certain products. There are numerous resources out there for these types of products, but I can’t personally speak to those. This one carries everything from freeze-dried and dehydrated foods to stoves, survival gear, camping equipment, water filtration systems, and more. The Kelly Kettle is my favorite product from here.

Loosen Technology’s Grip on Your Mind – This is a checklist I developed to assist people with not only understanding the exposure through various technologies, but how to better protect themselves and limit their use. I created it in a checklist format so people can knock off one thing at a time. Preserving privacy feels good, and protecting yourself from hacks, setups, entrainment, and other fun things, feels even better. The best – using open source software that doesn’t cost you a penny, doesn’t lock you into a subscription, doesn’t allow the big software companies to spy and aggregate your data, and doesn’t tie your financial info to their desired future ID system. Definitely give this checklist a looksy.

The Knowledge Pantry – This is a great tool for archiving important files, videos, ebooks, and documents onto a tablet, that don’t require the internet to access or run. This is very handy on so many levels. For example: I have tons of how-to videos for everything under the sun so if the internet ever goes down, I have an entire bank of information at my fingertips. I also have a road map of every state, but I also keep an Atlas in my truck for good measure. Code is provided for customizing as well. Be sure to thank Zack for creating this open source code for everyone for FREE!

22 Ways to Stop The Vaccine ID Passports – This is chapter 5 of my book on the Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports. It’s another handy checklist for ways each individual can make a difference by doing or not doing certain things as they pertain to control mechanisms being carried out against individuals to lock in the control grid for all. Vaccine ID Passports and “digital identities” are one in the same and they are coming at it from every angle.

Networking & Local Activism – A lot of great folks have created networking resources to bring families and communities together, while others have created wonderful teaching courses and tools on local activism. Here are just a handful that you may find helpful: Citizens for Free SpeechConstitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers AssociationCounty Citizens Defending FreedomFoundation for Intentional CommunityPeople’s Rights NetworkPrecinct StrategyTactical CivicsThe Complete Guide to Forming Communities (PDF), Small Farm Republic (book), True The Vote. I’m sure there are many more out there so please feel free to drop them in the comments below to share with others.

Equip yourself, empower yourself, and be FearLESS.

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Corey Lynn is an investigative journalist, co-host of the weekly Dig It! podcast, and co-host of The Solution Series. Follow her at coreysdigs.com, on GabTruthRumble, and Telegram. Support her work by becoming a Patron or making a donation.

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