• July 26, 2024

France: Knife-wielding Muslim threatens passersby and cops, refuses to drop knife and screams ‘words in Arabic

 France: Knife-wielding Muslim threatens passersby and cops, refuses to drop knife and screams ‘words in Arabic

Faced with his aggressiveness, the officials used their weapons around twenty times.


“Paris: a man armed with a butcher’s knife shot dead by the police,” translated from “Paris : un homme armé d’une lame de boucher abattu par la police,” by Ambre Lepoivre, Le Figaro, February 17, 2024:

During the night from Friday to Saturday, a 40-year-old Sudanese threatened passers-by and the police with a butcher’s knife. Faced with his aggressiveness, the officials used their weapons around twenty times.

A man dressed in a djellaba and threatening the passengers of a Parisian tram with a butcher’s knife was shot dead by the police during the night from Friday to Saturday, Le Figaro learned from police and judicial sources. Shortly before 3:00 a.m., at the T3b “Butte duhat” station, 13 boulevard d’Indochine, an individual dressed in a long traditional Moroccan dress asks a man for a lighter. Faced with the latter’s refusal, he takes out a butcher’s blade and tries to strike him. The victim dodges the attacker’s gesture and alerts the police.

Quickly on site, a crew from the anti-crime brigade (BAC) of the 19th arrondissement of Paris discovered the man “holding a butcher’s knife in one hand and a notebook with Arabic inscriptions in the other,” the public prosecutor’s office told us. Paris. They order him to put down his weapon but, despite multiple warnings, the individual “refuses and pronounces words in Arabic,” underlines a police source.

About twenty shots
Faced with his aggressiveness, a crew from the railway networks brigade comes to support the BAC. On several occasions, the police use their taser but the man continues to threaten them with his butcher knife and rushes at them, pushing the officials to open fire.

“According to initial information, four police officers used their weapons around twenty times,” details the prosecution. In shock, they were taken to hospital. The assailant, notably shot in the head, died on the spot. Aged 40, this man born in Sudan was unknown to the justice services. After the events, the Paris public prosecutor’s office opened two investigations: one for “attempted intentional homicide against a person holding public authority,” the other for “intentional violence by police officers leading to death…”

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