• July 26, 2024

Glenn Beck Lists the TOP TEN Times That Joe Biden Has Acted Like a Dictator

 Glenn Beck Lists the TOP TEN Times That Joe Biden Has Acted Like a Dictator

Democrats have spent years accusing Trump of wanting to be a dictator, but it’s a clear case of projection.

Joe Biden has actually acted like a dictator at least ten times and Glenn Beck recently laid out the examples in a thread on Twitter/X.

Beck brought all of the receipts for this. See below:

Time and time again, President Biden has acted like the dictator that the Left keeps insisting Trump was and will be again. Here are just my top 10 moments :

— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) February 15, 2024

Remember the eviction moratorium?

Dictator Move 1: The eviction moratorium. Remember when Biden simply ignored property rights and banned landlords from evicting tenants during the pandemic? Ultimately, the Supreme Court correctly struck it down. pic.twitter.com/KkaHvg5JjS

— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) February 15, 2024

Vaccine mandates, anyone?

Dictator Move 2: The vaccine mandates. In Sept. 2021, Biden declared “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” His executive order required vaccines for ALL federal workers/contractors, healthcare workers, the military, and all employers with 100 or more employees. SCOTUS struck it down. pic.twitter.com/b72jLEeuaV

— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) February 15, 2024

How about student loans?

Dictator Move 3: Canceling student loans. In true dictator style, Biden ignored a Supreme Court decision and pushed forward with his plan to “forgive” student loan debt. Just a few weeks ago, he canceled another $5 billion for a grand total of $136 billion. pic.twitter.com/tTiJcLcJjq

— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) February 15, 2024

Remember this Orwellian move?

Dictator Move 4: The “Disinformation Governance Board.” In 2022, Biden named Nina Jankowicz (who called the Hunter Biden laptop story “a Trump campaign product”)
as his first censorship czar. When the board was later shelved, WaPo blamed it on “right-wing attacks.” pic.twitter.com/DuN0MZpY4k

— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) February 15, 2024

Biden’s entire energy agenda is questionable.

Dictator Move 5: Destroying American energy. Biden canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, stopped new oil/natural gas leasing on public lands/offshore, and drained

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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