• July 26, 2024

Good News

 Good News

Good News Friday: 05/05/23


May 05, 2023

Dear Patriots,

We see evidence of success in boycotts. Keep refusing to drink any Budweiser product or watch any part of Fox News.

They count on us to forgive and forget. We must never forget.

It’s May! Have a joyful spring weekend!

1- As you may remember, Sidney was de-banked by Bank Of America, after being a customer for over 45 years, for no reason other than her political views. This is not an uncommon action by the left.
We welcome this action by 19 attorneys general.

Fox News

Chase Bank warned on religious discrimination by 19 GOP attorneys general

QUOTE: Nineteen Republican attorneys general are putting JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase) on notice after the bank allegedly discriminated against customers with certain religious beliefs or political affiliations.

Attorney General Daniel Cameron of Kentucky led a coalition of 19 Republican states in a letter Tuesday to Chase CEO Jamie Dimon claiming that Chase has “persistently discriminated against certain customers due to their religious or political affiliation.”

“Chase cannot call itself ‘inclusive’ and say that it ‘opposes discrimination in any form,’ while simultaneously disenfranchising its clients over religious and political differences,” said Attorney General Cameron in a statement.

The AGs said in the bank’s public-facing statements, Chase professes openness and inclusivity. However, they claim the company “has not extended its openness and inclusivity to everyone,” and point out the company’s pattern of targeting and denying service to religious and conservative-leaning customers.

As an example, the AGs said the National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF) was “de-banked” last year without explanation.

AG Cameron was joined in the letter by Republican attorneys general from  from Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia.

2- Good news.  This lingering threat has been at last rescinded. But, never forget what the government did to citizens and how they lied.


It’s About Time! U.S. to Lift Vaccine Requirements for Foreign Air Travelers, Federal Workers Next Week

QUOTE: The Biden administration will end its last remaining vaccine mandates for foreign air travelers and federal workers May 11. Furthermore, the government is starting to eliminate jab requirements for healthcare workers, Head Start educators, and foreigners at U.S. land borders.

Destroying the lingering ruins of 2021’s year of coercion symbolizes the transition to treating COVID-19 as a routine, endemic affliction. Despite jobs lost due to mandate incompliance, the vaccine’s inability to prevent transmission, and latter 2022 data showing most deaths from COVID-19 were among the vaccinated, White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha recently stated that the vaccine mandates “had tremendous beneficial impact.”

Profoundly divisive, more than 100 million people at a given time were affected by Biden’s extensive mandates after he previously ruled out the possibility of such requirements. While it was known that the vaccine did not stop the spread of the virus, Biden embraced the mandates as he claimed the unvaccinated were putting others at risk.

“We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” Biden said at the time. The unvaccinated minority “can cause a lot of damage, and they are.”

In addition, he claimed the unvaccinated were jeopardizing the nation’s economic recovery while mandates cost thousands of Americans their employment, and lockdowns resulted in the shuttering of businesses all over the country. 

Congress and federal courts previously overturned Biden’s vaccine requirements for large employers and military servicemembers. With some mandates succumbing to legal action, many employees’ positions are being reinstated with backpay.

3- The WAPO was aghast at this outrage but we appreciate any government official who proclaims the truth on this insanity.

Washington Post

‘DEI is dead’: At VMI, Youngkin’s diversity chief slams diversity, equity, inclusion

QUOTE: Virginia’s chief diversity officer was blunt. He took the stage Friday at Virginia Military Institute — a college embroiled in a tense debate over racism, sexism and diversity reforms — and slammed the whole concept of diversity, equity and inclusion.

“Let’s take a moment right now to kill that cow. DEI is dead,” said Martin D. Brown, who was appointed by Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) in November. “We’re not going to bring that cow up anymore. It’s dead. It was mandated by the General Assembly, but this governor has a different philosophy of civil discourse, civility, treating — living the golden rule, right?”

Brown, a Black Republican who is a former Heritage Foundation fellow and worked for two prior GOP governors, was the featured speaker at a mandatory annual “inclusive excellence” training for VMI’s faculty and staff members. VMI recorded the speech and made it available after The Post asked to see it.

The freewheeling talk — which Brown kicked off with a prayer to Jesus and laced with mentions of “our Creator” and “God” — angered some of the people who attended.

4- Even during these days of child indoctrination, formerly known as public education,  young minds crave to learn practical skills.

PJ Media

Impossible: The High School Class So Popular Kids Sit In on It so They Can LEARN Stuff

QUOTE: Is there such a thing as a high school class that kids will volunteer to audit, just so they can learn something? New York City’s Stuyvesant High School has one.

According to The Villager, math teacher David Peng answered the call of one of his students and began teaching a one-semester course in personal finance. SHS is a STEM magnet school and, as the report says, “In a sea of AP Calculus and advanced and abstract algebra classes, personal finance has struck a chord with many students who say they want a practical class that offers real-life information.”

But the one-semester class has gone full-time because of “strong demand from students to make this a year-long course,” Peng said. Peng’s course has been such a hit that state lawmakers are considering making it mandatory, statewide.

What grabbed Peng’s eye in 2021 was an editorial in the school paper written by Anisha Singhal, who asked, “Calculus Before Checkbooks?” When Peng introduced the class in 2022, it was so popular that even Singhal ended up on a waitlist to get in.

The class covers mortgages, tax returns, student loans, and more. Singhal said that “If there was an empty seat in the class, students would come in and just listen.”

Here’s a class taught by one guy who probably doesn’t have a whole lot of Department of Education-approved materials, teaching a subject everybody cares deeply about: their own money.

5- Protecting religious freedom is vital. We cheer on this effort by Judicial Watch and Catholic Vote to hold the government accountable for this egregious breach.

Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch and CatholicVote Sue FBI and Justice Department for Records of Targeting Catholics

QUOTE: Judicial Watch announced that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit along with CatholicVote Civic Action against the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the Department of Justice for records containing key words and records about an FBI intelligence memo targeting ‘radical traditionalist’ Catholics.

In February 2023, an FBI intelligence document was leaked that revealed FBI targeting ” of Catholics who adhere to traditional beliefs on abortion and other cultural issues. The Catholic News Agencyreported: “The leaked document has been condemned by several federal and state officials, as well as clergy, including Bishop Barry Knestout of the Diocese of Richmond, who recently called the memo a ‘threat to religious liberty.'”

On March 8, 2023, Judicial Watch and CatholicVote sent four FOIA requests to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI, a division of the Department of Justice) for:

“Our weaponized and corrupt government agencies have demonstrated a pattern of contempt for justice and the rule of law by prioritizing partisan ideology and agendas over the protection of the American people – in particular those with whom they disagree politically,” said CatholicVote President Brian Burch. “We are demanding transparency from our government and are determined to uncover just how high up the anti-Catholic bigotry goes.”

6- Check out the difference in opinion from the October poll to seven months later in May. People are getting information on election fraud from sources that are not the leftist media. They are sharing information.  It makes a difference!


7- We bet most of you had no idea that there has been NO global warming measured for almost NINE YEARS! It is called The New Pause.
It is apparently due to el Nino … formerly known as … weather.

Good news! Well, unless you are a leftist global warming crazy, who, of course, will ignore this.

See all the charts at the link.

Watts Up With That?

The New Pause Lengthens by Two Months To 8 Years 11 Months

QUOTE: The New Pause has lengthened by a further two months to 8 years 11 months. The least-squares linear-regression trend on the UAH monthly satellite global-temperature dataset for the lower troposphere shows no global warming at all from June 2014 to April 2023.

8- This is a good read for the weekend. It doesn’t end up where you think it might. Let’s pray our current battles don’t take 49 years to win!

Don Surber

Why these boycotts are working

QUOTE: The King of Beers became a drag queen and lost his subjects. They won’t be back.

Outkick reported, “According to beer industry news site Brewhound, while Bud Light numbers have been in decline for weeks, ‘Coors Light increased dollar sales (+10.7%), volume (+5.5%) and dollar share (+1.5%), while Miller Lite increased dollar sales (+16.9%), volume (+11.7%) and dollar share (+2.3%) for the week ending in April 8.'”

Meanwhile, Fox began last week by firing Carlson. By week’s end, the station went from beating the NBA playoffs to have the No. 1 show on cable at 8 PM Eastern to being bested by Chris Hayes at MSNBC.

So why are these boycotts working while others failed?

Donald Trump.

End of column, right?
Not really.

The April boycotts have laid low the most popular beer and the most popular news channel thanks to Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the 2022 repeal of Roe v. Wade. That was an overnight success that took 49 years.

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