• October 22, 2024

Good News

 Good News

Good News Friday: 09/22/23 …

SEP 22, 2023

September 22, 2023

Dear Patriots,

We were watching many stories continue to develop this week; the terrifying events on the border, the Ukraine war, the House machinations, the pathetic questioning of AG Merrick Garland, more evidence of election fraud, and a poorly dressed United States Senator.

But, we set all of that aside for one day to bask in some Good News and diversions from the din of news.

1- It is always good news when lying cable channels are lying to fewer people.


Disgraced CNN Hits All-Time Weekend Ratings Low

QUOTE: CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and violence, hit an all-time weekend ratings low.

The cable news network logged its worst weekend ratings on record in the all-important 25- to 54-year-old demo, according to the latest Nielsen data released Tuesday.

CNN totaled just 55,000 viewers for its weekend slate of shows that include Sunday political programs “State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash,” and “Fareed Zakaria GPS.”

Even CNNLOL’s weekend primetime shows, The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper and Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy, attracted only 43,000 demo viewers.

These are the worst ratings since 1991, which is as far back as ratings data is available.

Some 40 million households have canceled their cable subscription over the last 15 or so years and moved to streaming. This has put a massive dent in CNN’s revenue. And because advertising rates are based on demo viewers and CNN’s demo viewership is bottoming out to something close to ZERO, the hate outlet cannot survive on merit—i.e., money earned by advertising dollars based on viewership numbers.

2- Isn’t it stunning how hard and fast the government works to censor the private social media accounts of doctors who argued for a sane approach to Covid-CCP? This is an interview with Dr. Bhattacharya explaining the importance of the recent court win.


The Biden administration tried to censor this Stanford doctor, but he won in court

QUOTE: A federal court of appeals ruled earlier this month that the White House, surgeon general, CDC and FBI “likely violated the First Amendment” by exerting a pressure campaign on social media companies to censor COVID-19 skeptics — including Stanford epidemiologist Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.

“I think this ruling is akin to the second Enlightenment,” Bhattacharya told The Post. “It’s a ruling that says there’s a democracy of ideas. The issue is not whether the ideas are wrong or right. The question is who gets to control what ideas are expressed in the public square?”

Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine, economics and health research policy at Stanford University, co-authored the Great Barrington Declaration in the fall of 2020 with professors from Harvard and Oxford.

“We were just acting as scientists, but almost immediately we were censored,” said Bhattacharya, director of Stanford’s Center for Demography and Economics of Health and Aging. “Google de-boosted us. Our Facebook page was removed. It was just a crazy time.The kinds of things that the federal government was telling social media companies to censor included us — along with millions of other posts from countless other people who were criticizing government COVID policy,” he added.

“The government had a vast censorship enterprise,” Bhattacharya said. “It was systematically used to threaten and coerce and jawbone and tell all these social media companies, ‘You better listen to us: Censor these people, censor these ideas, or else.'”

It was later revealed that then-NIH director Dr. Francis Collins called for a “swift and devastating takedown” of Bhattacharya and his co-authors — whom Collins dubbed “fringe epidemiologists” — in an email to Dr. Anthony Fauci. Subsequent reporting from Elon Musk’s so-called Twitter Files — internal documents and communications released by Musk, after he bought the platform, to expose Twitter’s inner workings — revealed that Bhattachrya’s profile was being suppressed on the platform.

“It’s akin to the efforts by governments to suppress the printing press when it first was invented, when books represented an enormous threat to power,” Bhattacharya said, referring to efforts by King Henry VIII and the Catholic Church to curb use of the printing press in the 16th century. “There’s an analogous fight that’s currently going on with social media, which makes it vastly easier for anybody to express their ideas, and very powerful people find that incredibly threatening.”

3- Voters in Georgia see that what Fani Willis is doing is unfair. That is the good news.

Sharyl Attkisson

Most Georgia voters think Trump prosecution unfair

QUOTE: The prosecution of former President Donald Trump by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is unfair, according to a majority of Georgia voters, most of whom have concerns about the integrity of elections in their state.

That’s according to a new telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The Absolute Truth With Emerald Robinson.

The survey found that 56% of likely Georgia voters believe it is likely Trump is being unfairly prosecuted by Willis, including 39% who say it’s “very likely.”

Thirty-seven percent (37%) don’t think it’s likely Willis is unfairly prosecuting Trump, including 28% who say an unfair prosecution is “very unlikely.”

A majority (52%) of Georgia voters believe it’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in the state, including 30% who say it’s “very likely” cheating affected the election outcome.

Thirty-five percent (35%) don’t think it’s likely the 2020 Georgia election was affected by cheating, including 22% who say it’s “not at all likely.”

4- Another win against the voter roll collection group, ERIC.

The Federalist

Alaska Must Forfeit Data From Leftist-Linked Voter-Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC

QUOTE: Alaska must disclose data reports from the leftist-controlled voter-roll “maintenance” group known as ERIC, according to a stipulated order issued in federal court on Wednesday.

Judge Sharon Gleason of the U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska oversaw the agreement that determined Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom must turn over ERIC data reports concerning potentially deceased individuals on Alaska’s voter registration lists to the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), a law firm that works to uphold election integrity throughout the country.

For context, ERIC, or the Electronic Registration Information Center, is a widely used voter-roll management organization founded by Democrat activist David Becker that was “sold to states as a quick and easy way to update their voter rolls.” In actuality, ERIC inflates voter rolls by requiring member states to contact eligible but unregistered residents to register to vote.

“This is a landmark victory to knock down ERIC’s wall of secrecy,” PILF President J. Christian Adams said in a statement. “I want to thank the Alaska Attorney General, Treg Taylor, for his commitment to transparent elections. All other ERIC member states should take notice that the public has a right to inspect ERIC records.”

Concerns over ERIC’s partisanship have prompted numerous leading GOP election officials to withdraw their respective states from the organization. This growing list includes jurisdictions such as Texas, Virginia, Florida, and others.

5- We pray for warrior whistleblowers and pray there will be more who are brave enough to expose the Deep State.

Red State

Third IRS Agent Comes Forward, Corroborates Whistleblowers and Reveals More Possible DOJ Corruption

QUOTE: In an unexpected development, a third IRS agent who worked on the Hunter Biden case has come forward. In closed-door testimony that took place on Capitol Hill on Thursday, Michael Batdorf testified that U.S. Attorney David Weiss faced roadblocks from the DOJ in charging the president’s troubled son.

A third IRS official confirmed that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss faced roadblocks when attempting to bring charges against Hunter Biden, contradicting denials issued Wednesday by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf told the House Ways and Means Committee in a closed-door interview on Sept. 12 that he felt “frustrated” by the refusal of the Justice Department to approve tax charges that IRS agents viewed as well-supported by evidence, according to a transcript of the interview obtained by the Washington Examiner.

Batdorf’s statements corroborate what Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, the first and second whistleblowers, told Congress. Namely, that Weiss was not given the freedom to pursue charges unabated as AG Merrick Garland claimed. The IRS agent also testified to the fact that he himself had grown frustrated with the Department of Justice for stonewalling the investigation.

He also revealed a new bit of possible corruption: Weiss had Gary Shapley removed from the case.

6- At least these men will not go to jail after being entrapped by the FBI.

Julie Kelly 

Another Whitmer Fednapping Case Goes Boom

QUOTE: In another blow to the FBI’s concocted plot to kidnap and assassinate Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, a jury in Antrim County today acquitted three men indicted on state charges for their alleged role in the scheme.

Michael and William Null, twin brothers, and Eric Molitor were found not guilty of providing material support for an act of terrorism and unlawful possession of firearms. Jurors began deliberations Thursday afternoon following a 14-day trial before Judge Charles Hamlyn.

The verdicts represent the second time a jury has acquitted individuals charged in the FBI-orchestrated plot. In April 2022, a Grand Rapids jury acquitted Daniel Harris, Jr. and Brandon Caserta on federal kidnapping and weapons charges. The jury hung on the remaining defendants, Adam Fox and Barry Croft, Jr.; both were convicted after a second trial in August 2022. (Two co-defendants pleaded guilty and testified for the government at both trials.)

During the course of the federal proceedings, defense attorneys uncovered an elaborate entrapment scheme that involved dozens of FBI informants, supervising agents, and undercover employees.

Those on the side of truth and justice can celebrate another humiliating loss for the government and a darkening black eye on the FBI.

7- We are not sure what to make of this story. But, we HAVE been praying for divine intervention!

We joyfully welcome these new brothers and sisters in Christ.

Not The Bee

Hundreds of Auburn University students were baptized this week immediately following a campus worship night

QUOTE: On Tuesday night more than 2,000 students attended a worship night on Auburn University’s campus hosted by the organization Unite Auburn. Immediately following the service around 200 students walked over to a small lake on campus at Auburn’s Ag Heritage Park to be baptized.

Students are calling the event, featuring the band Passion, and speakers Jennie Allen and the Rev. Jonathan Pokluda, a revival.

Among the 200 people baptized were several student-athletes, including one Freshman football player who went forward to be baptized with coach Hugh Freeze assisting in the baptism.

Regardless of what you think about revivals in general, or those present at this event, what we should all agree on is that these students are hungry for God and need our prayers as they go forward from this life-changing event.

8- As we discussed last week, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was acquitted on bogus impeachment charges. This week he gives the behind the scenes story during an inteview with Tucker. It is worth your time to watch!

Note that it takes five or six seconds to load the videos at the site, so be patient.

Tucker Carlson 

Episode 25
Liberals like Karl Rove just tried to annihilate Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. It didn’t work. Paxton just joined us for his first interview since his acquittal.

9- Politics have you upset and frustrated? If you need a break, we recommend two books we have recently read, or listen to, being big fans of audio books.

Neither book is about current politics. Both are intriguing. Both books are about men we had not previously known about.

–You will learn a lot of fascinating history in this one!

The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel: Genius, Power, and Deception on the Eve of World War I

–A story of THE best ever art thief, who walked out of museums over 200 times with works worth millions.

The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession

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PRAY for divine intervention. PRAY for Sidney and all warriors. SHARE the truth.

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic

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