• July 26, 2024

Hamilton Silences Impeachment Fools

 Hamilton Silences Impeachment Fools

Article below by By KrisAnne Hall, JD

America’s media stream has been saturated by politicians, pundits, and law professors pontificating on what America’s founders’ believed about presidential impeachment.  The most oft used argument today is a misapplication and misleading representation of what founder Alexander Hamilton said in Federalist #65.

The claim is that Alexander Hamilton establishes in Federalist #65 that presidents should be “impeached for political reasons.”  This is completely and obviously false to anyone who has read the essay and possesses a smidgen of reading comprehension skills.

I believe the people asserting this fake claim are confident that the American people won’t actually read this essay and call them out for their deceptions.  My goal is to show how simple and plainly written this text is and how blatantly deceptive these people are in their lie-driven agenda.

The overall assertion of these prevaricators is that Hamilton uses Federalist #65 to explain to the people what the Constitution says about the grounds for impeachment of presidents.

Read full article here https://therevolutionaryact.com/hamilton-silences-impeachment-fools/

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