• July 26, 2024

Hayes & Maddow Melt Down When News Breaks SCOTUS Might Overturn Roe

Following the bombshell report from Politico that according to a leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision which was written in February, the Supreme Court appears poised to strike down Roe vs Wade. As a result, MSNBC hosts Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow were on the verge of a complete meltdown over the possibility that the states would have the ability to decide whether abortion is legal or not.

The news broke at the end of Chris Hayes’s hour and during the handoff to Rachel Maddow, the two pro-abortion leftists discussed the news with each other. “I am absorbing this right now, as you are talking about it. Chris, this is as far as—you and I both need time to process this then is afforded by the fact that we’re live on television right now,” Maddow said after Hayes handed the network off to her to begin her show.

Before getting into the apparent decision, both Hayes and Maddow mentioned how unprecedented it is for a court decision to leak from the Supreme Court. “Both the substance of what is being leaked, here in then the communicative signaling happening in the fact of the leak, is almost sort of emotional at some deep level, because of what it signifies,” Hayes observed.



Maddow then wailed over the prospect that the court could be striking down Roe vs Wade: “You were just speaking with Erin Carmon, as you said you booked her today to talk about this new reporting that Republicans in Washington, have been debating and planning on proposing a nationwide abortion ban. A six-week abortion ban, which is effectively a complete ban on abortion in the United States.”  

She worried that if Republicans win both houses of Congress and the presidency in 2024 then we would have a “South America-style nationwide abortion ban in America.” Chris Hayes agreed shouting that “it would be the first bill” Republicans in Congress pass. 

Like the Democrat Party propagandist that she is, Maddow sought to make the 2022 midterms a referendum on abortion, strategizing that “putting whichever party in control of either house of Congress will among other things determine whether we’re about to become a country that bans abortion nationwide.” 

Appearing to regurgitate the leftist transgender vocabulary, Hayes worried that if you are a “pregnant person”, you could be living in a state that will outlaw abortion if the court rules as it appears it will.  

Maddow ended the discussion by expressing her astonishment that the court would dare to consider touching the left’s abortion sacrament: “it is shocking both in substance and it is also shocking in terms of what it means about the court, and what it means about the stakes here that someone is willing to do this.”

Imagine getting this bent out of shape over protecting the rights of the most innocent and vulnerable among us: the unborn. Truly vile.

This segment was made possible by Liberty Mutual. Their information is linked.

To read the relevant transcript click “expand”: 

MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show
9:00:20 p.m. Eastern

CHRIS HAYES: All right, again, I’m just sort of composing myself here as I process this. That is all in for this evening, The Rachel Maddow Show starts right now, good evening Rachel. 

RACHEL MADDOW: I am absorbing this right now, as you are talking about it. Chris, this is as far as—you and I both need time to process this then is afforded by the fact that we’re live on television right now. But do we share the understanding that this is the first time before ruling has been issued we have seen what purports to be the draft ruling ever leaked to the press?

HAYES: That is my understanding, I think Politico more or less indicates — of course its always hard to prove a negative but I think that’s correct, and I think you and I who are both kind of SCOTUS buffs and have always had an interest in the court. It’s sort of a resting moment, because the code of amarta around that institution is so strong, and so powerful, that both the substance of what is being leaked, here in then the communicative signaling happening in the fact of the leak, is almost sort of emotional at some deep level, because of what it signifies. 

MADDOW: Yeah, and, when you were just speaking with Erin Carmon, as you said you booked her today to talk about this new reporting that Republicans in Washington, have been debating and planning on proposing a nationwide abortion ban. A six-week abortion ban, which is effectively a complete ban on abortion in the United States. And if this ruling for the court is gonna look anything like this, and we are going into a midterm season where the Republicans are poised to take the House and the Senate, then President Biden is still President Biden, he would presumably veto such a measure. But, in the event that we have a Republican president in 2024, that’s what we’d be, we’d be at a South America-style nationwide abortion ban in America. 

HAYES: Just to be clear, it would be and I can’t– you know, no one knows the future, you and I agree it would be the first bill. It would be the first bill, it’ll be HR1 and would be S1. It would be HR1 in the House and it would be S1 in the Senate. I don’t think there’s any question about that, that would be the first bill in a Republican trifecta, in a post roe landscape. No question.

MADDOW: And, the fact that this is being leaked now, we will have whatever the ruling is, we will have the ruling before the November election. This is just like a four number Sodoku, this isn’t a very hard puzzle, this is in terms of people figuring out what the stakes are of their vote in November, in terms of the midterms, putting whichever party in control of either house of Congress will among other things determine whether we’re about to become a country that bans abortion nationwide. 

HAYES: We should also just note, and obviously this is something you reported on as well as anyone on all of television. There is, I think 25, 26 states that have trigger laws, such that when roe gets struck down abortion becomes illegal that moment, that instant. This is not some process that’s going to play out. You could be living in a state watching this right, now as a pregnant person, as someone planning on getting pregnant. Where the afternoon this happens, your state law says, the ruling of the court means that abortion is now illegal after this timeline in your state. 

MADDOW: And as we’ve seen abortion politics, particularly in Republican-controlled states get harder and harder and harder line, over a very short timeline. As they’ve gotten close to knowing that a ruling like this is likely coming, we’ve now started to see, there used to be a taboo on saying that the doctors would go to prison. 

And now they’re saying, in some states they’re now talking about bluntly yeah the doctors will go to prison. But even more acutely, there used to be until very recently there was a taboo on saying that a woman, or even a child who is raped or is the victim of incest, at least they wouldn’t be forced by the government to give birth against their will, to carry that pregnancy to term, and give birth against their will. That increasingly, literally including girls who are pregnant as a result of rape or incest, those exceptions are disappearing one by one, with each passing week, every time a Republican legislature takes up this issue. And, so we are now at the precipice of something that’s become a much more extreme prospect, becoming exceedingly likely. Both the radicalism and the practicality are speeding towards the same cliff. 

HAYES: That’s, right Oklahoma which signed its law very similar to Texas, just a little bit ago. Ohio, proposing legislation just some viral sound from the state senator there talking about why it’s okay that a woman that is a victim of rape, or incest, or 14 or 15 years old it would be okay for the state to force them to carry that pregnancy to term. 

I don’t know what to say, it is the culmination of something that many people have worked against, and fought against, and worried about for a very very long time. And again I have to, say you have covered this topic as well as everyone on television by far, and it was not surprising for people who follow the court. 

This was not the outcome that people thought was not going to happen people listen to oral arguments, the fact that they specifically asked to overturn roe, which they didn’t have to do. The chomping at the bit that happened in oral arguments from the justices, who clearly wanted to go right for the apple. None of that is surprising, but to have this draft opinion there on the internet is shocking. 

MADDOW: It is shocking, as you said, and as we started discussing here, it is shocking both in substance and it is also shocking in terms of what it means about the court, and what it means about the stakes here that someone is willing to do this. It is just a remarkable thing.

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