• December 4, 2024

Health Insurance is a major concern that angers and stresses many Americans

 Health Insurance is a major concern that angers and stresses many Americans

Darlene Swaffar for Congress Floriida

by Darlene Swaffar Congressional Candidate running in South FL, in District 22 

As an Insurance Broker aka The Medicare Lady TM, I receive calls almost daily from clients that fear their Medicare Benefits will decrease with Medicare for All.

I’m excited to share that I just returned from Washington, DC this week from the NAHU Healthcare Legislative Conference.  I am a member of NAHU – National Association of Healthcare Underwriters.  It’s an organization that helps with Certifications, Regulations, Education and Professional Networking.

My team and I met with staff members of Alcee Hastings, Ted Deutch, Lois Frankel and Brian Mast office to discuss:

  • Surprise Billing/Balance Billing
  • Medicare for All is Medicare for NONE
  • Allowing Cobra to be considered as Credible Coverage under Medicare Guidelines
  • Allow ER or Impatient “Observation” to be counted towards the 3 day mandatory impatient stay for Medicare coverage of a skilled nursing/rehab facility.
  • Allow Medicare Beneficiaries to continue to contribute to their HSA account if they are employed through their employers group health benefits.
  • Preserve the employer tax exclusion
  • Establish a new voluntary reporting system for Employers

These topics come directly from our clients.  As insurance professionals we are in the best position to express and relay these concerns to our Legislators.  We also educated them on these topics.

My name is Darlene Swaffar and I am the only Congressional Candidate running in South FL, in District 22 with this expertise.  This provides me a competitive advantage among other candidates running in the Republican Primary.  I will always be fighting for your right to choose your health insurance coverage.

While other Candidates merely talk about the issues, I am doing something about it.

To support our Campaign and get the right Candidate in Congress fighting for you, please consider donatinghttps://secure.winred.com/darleneswaffar/donate

Our monthly expenses of $8,000 includes:  materials such as lawn signs, palm cards, bumper stickers, supplies, advertising in community newspapers, and billboard ads 3 months prior to the Primary Election on August 18th and 3 months leading to the General Election in November.

PS:  We are having a Fundraiser Event at the Tower Club on March 12th.  Come out and meet me personally.  Space is limited but if you are interested in attending there is still space available:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/campaign-fundraiser-fordarlene-swaffar-for-congress-tickets-94657044769?ref=estw

PSS: We just received a major National Endorsement from the Republican National Hispanic Assembly.  To read their Press Release click here:


Let’s take back the House, save our Constitution and get this country going in the Right direction!

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