• July 26, 2024

Hizballah chief Nasrallah calls Dearborn, Michigan ‘influential,’ ‘salutes’ anti-Israel demonstrations in America

 Hizballah chief Nasrallah calls Dearborn, Michigan ‘influential,’ ‘salutes’ anti-Israel demonstrations in America


Many in America and across the West continue to naively believe that the Palestinian “resistance” (from the River to the Sea) is a regional dispute about land, when in reality it’s an attempt to obliterate the Jewish state as part of a global effort of Islamic conquest by jihadists.

The protests now seen throughout the West are not by any means peaceful. They represent a spring-boarding of the jihad “resistance” to the West, and if left uncontrolled, much worse will follow.

Note Nasrallah’s  warning:

We should salute and be grateful to the Arabs, muslims, and  non-Muslims who tell Biden ‘we are uncommitted to vote for you’ – they are very influential at this stage.

Indeed “they” are “very influential,” due to authorities appeasing them. Jihadists grow powerful in the fertile soil of appeasement. Nasrallah also includes “non-Muslims” in his salute, that is, those who are unaware to the extent they’re being used as dhimmis in service of the ultimate cause of achieving victory and establishing a global caliphate. This underclass of dhimmis has historically paid a special tax to their overlords: the jizya, as per Qur’an 9:29. Dearborn, Michigan is particularly noteworthy for more than its high Muslim population; it has been dubbed “America’s Jihad Capital.”

Nasrallah also states rightly that Biden is afraid of one thing only — that his policy and actions in Gaza will lead him to lose the Presidential Elections.” Nasrallah knows this to be true as does everyone who has been paying attention.

Jihadist leaders everywhere across the globe are well aware of Biden’s weakness and that of other globalist Western leaders; jihadists (stealth and violent) stand ready to exploit such weakness — which includes widespread denial about the threat of jihad. Such denial has come to collectively characterize the West, and will lead to its demise unless there is an awakening.

“Hizbullah Sec-Gen Nasrallah: We Salute The Demonstrations In The U.S. And The ‘Uncommitted’ Campaign (Originating In Dearborn, Michigan); Voting ‘Uncommitted’ In The Democratic Primary Is The Most Influential Means Of Pressure On Biden And His Administration,” MEMRI, March 13, 2024:

Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah said, in a March 13, 2024, speech that was streamed live on Al-Mumahdun on YouTube, that the most influential means of pressure on U.S. President Joe Biden and his administration is the “uncommitted” campaign (originating in Dearborn, Michigan) for the Democratic primaries. He said that what Biden fears most is losing the presidential elections over his policies in Gaza. Nasrallah said that while support from other countries such as Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, and South Africa is important, “at the end of the day, it is the American position that is decisive.”

Hassan Nasrallah: “Today, what many people demonstrating in America are doing… Of course, we should salute them and be grateful to them.

“The Arabs, the Muslims, and the non-Muslims, from among the other free Americans – Christians and others – in the Democratic Party who wrote to Biden: ‘We are uncommitted to vote for you.’ These people are very influential at this stage.

“This is the most important means of pressure on the Biden administration. He is not afraid of the world, the international community, God, history, or anything. Biden now is afraid of one thing only – that his policy and actions in Gaza will lead him to lose the presidential elections. This is why he keeps debating, denying, and playing games.

“If the pressure and opposition [to Biden] in America continues, this may also open a door for hope. Of course, there are countries that boycotted Israel, denounced Israel, and accused it of committing genocide – like Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, South Africa, and so on… These positions are appreciated and help to mount the pressure on Israel, but at the end of the day, it is the American position that is decisive.”



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