• July 26, 2024

Honesty and Transparency Shouldn’t Be Hard

 Honesty and Transparency Shouldn’t Be Hard

Erika Cashin-Veteran -Republican Candidate for Congress

As a Veteran, it’s disappointing to see this article re-circulating about possible misrepresentation of military service by Governor Walz. Similar discussion about appropriate representation arose during the campaign of former Democrat candidate for President Pete Buttigieg.

Sadly, as more Veterans enter the world of politics, embellishment of military records and military accomplishments has become a legitimate concern.

Please be assured you won’t have any question from me in that regard.

The DD214 is one of the most critical documents a former servicemember is provided when leaving the armed forces. It contains vital information including dates of service, assignments, awards and promotions.

Here’s a link to my DD214 and DD215 (the official addendum to my DD214), covering my active duty service time 1996-2002. PLEASE NOTE: Home address and Enter on Service dates are blacked out due to Privacy Act of 1974 which require redaction of that information.

After leaving active duty, I have served as a full-time Air Force Reservist, and have been a traditional reservist since 2018. Additional proof of service and multiple achievements during Air Force Reserve status 2002-2018 can be found on my military biography.

And it is important to remember that use of military rank, job titles and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement from the US Air Force or Department of Defense.

In the interest of full transparency, I welcome all questions about my military service, my assignments, awards and promotions. Please email or call me directly at 952-715-7156.

In service to you, our state and nation,

Erika Cashin – Veteran  
Republican Candidate for Congress
Minnesota’s Second Congressional District

Please Help Erika Win 

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