• October 27, 2024

Horowitz Goes Full Comey!

 Horowitz Goes Full Comey!

By Daniel John Sobieski

Like disgraced former FBI director James Comey before him exonerating Hillary Clinton for her crimes, DOJ inspector  general Michael Horowitz presents us with a documented list of crimes, fraud, and deception in the FISA warrant application process by the FBI but then says never mind — these are  bureaucratic mistakes made without bias and without intent.  There still was sufficient predicate, says he, for starting an investigation and surveillance of Team Trump, even as Horowitz admits that the first FISA warrant, the one authorizing  surveilling Carter Page, was riddled with errors and omissions of key exculpatory evidence.  It was the first of four frauds committed on the FISA court, a felony.

We have confirmation that the first FISA application, at least, was based almost solely on what Comey himself called the “unverified and salacious” Steele dossier, paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC.  Yet the FBI “forgot” to ask or inform the court who paid for it.  Former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe has stated that without the Steele dossier, there would have been no FISA warrants at all and no investigation of Team Trump.  Ironically, this was confirmed by the I.G. Report:

The much awaited Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) report, conducted by Inspector General Michael Horowitz, was released today.  It finds that the FBI would not have had enough claimed evidence to secretly surveil former Trump aide Carter Page, and thus the Trump 2016 campaign, without using a “dossier” of opposition research funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

In 2016, after Page left the Trump campaign, the FBI asked the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for a warrant to secretly surveil Page.  The FBI said it was concerned that Page had ties with the Kremlin in Russia, but their only confirmation of these allegations came from former British intelligence officer Steele.

Steele authored the “dossier” that alleged ties between President Trump and Russia. Steele was hired by Fusion GPS, a research group that received funding from a law firm representing Hillary Clinton’s campaign

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