• July 26, 2024

Hundreds of Thousands Demonstrate For Freedom from Tyrannical Government Outside Parliament House in Canberra, Australia (VIDEO)

 Hundreds of Thousands Demonstrate For Freedom from Tyrannical Government Outside Parliament House in Canberra, Australia (VIDEO)

A ‘small, fringe minority’ of a few hundred thousand protested outside of the Parliament in Canberra, Australia on Saturday.

Australian leaders acted like no others in their totalitarian tactics against their own population during the COVID pandemic.

The crowd shots were amazing.

Australia, hundreds of thousands of people to Parliament House in Canberra to end vaccine mandates. pic.twitter.com/xmK8pELQIC

— RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) February 12, 2022

Avi Yemeni is reporting live from Australia today.

MASSIVE: A bird’s eye view of the convoy heading to Parliament House right now in Canberra.#ConvoyToCanberra#CanberraConvoy#ConvoyForFreedom2022



— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) February 12, 2022

Here’s more video– the protest was endless.

The people want an end to the pandemic tyranny that did not work in their country.

Looks like Australia’s had it with being one of the last remaining vestiges of strict COVID tyranny, as hundreds of thousands march on the capital of Canberra today as part of Australia’s freedom convoy.pic.twitter.com/dKQqFdFMqX

— Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) February 12, 2022

After months of lockdowns and mandates Australia saw its greatest surge of cases and deaths in January of this year.

A “small fringe minority” in Canberra, Australia protest against vaccine passports/ mandates.#CanberraProtest#Canberrapic.twitter.com/DEVNmlQhi7

— James Melville (@JamesMelville) February 12, 2022

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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