• July 26, 2024

“I Won’t Be Intimidated. I Can’t Wait to Fill the Seat” – Lindsey Graham Confronted by Hostile, Unhinged Women as He Lands at DC Airport (VIDEO)

 “I Won’t Be Intimidated. I Can’t Wait to Fill the Seat” – Lindsey Graham Confronted by Hostile, Unhinged Women as He Lands at DC Airport (VIDEO)

Senator Lindsey Graham seems to do his best work during Supreme Court nominations for some reason.

On Monday Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was ambushed when he landed at the Washington DC airport.

Two unhinged and hostile women stalked him as he made his way through the airport.

One of the women told Lindsey she was from Seattle.

Lindsey Graham responded, “Seattle is a good example of how things are falling apart.”

At one point one of the leftists accused Amy Coney Barrett of being racist.

Barrett has two black children.

The left is stone cold crazy.

Lindsey Graham told them he looked forward to confirm Amy Coney Barrett.

This is the modern day left.

I arrived in DC today & was confronted by 2 women – one of whom was from Seattle – who called Judge Amy Coney Barrett a racist & unqualified. This is the modern left, hostile & unhinged. I won’t be intimidated. I can’t wait to #FillTheSeat. STAND WITH ME: https://t.co/ZwkiWzOfR7pic.twitter.com/sGkyzpCdxw

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) October 20, 2020

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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