• September 12, 2024

Ilhan Omar: Pack Your Bags! A *Legal* Immigrant Wants Your Seat

 Ilhan Omar: Pack Your Bags! A *Legal* Immigrant Wants Your Seat

I meant what I said to @IlhanMN. I am an American

This article originally appeared at source

inneapolis journalist Dalia al-Aqidi took the stage at CPAC this morning. She is running for Rep. Ilhan Omar’s seat in the House (MN-5). And she has the platform, the charisma, and the story to make it happen.

At first glance, al-Aqidi seems a lot like Omar. The candidate recognizes as much in a campaign ad, but with a disclaimer. “We might seem nearly alike, but we couldn’t be further apart.”

Al-Aqidi is a Muslim (not an Islamist), a legal American (not a brother-marrying cheat), and she exudes a genuine love of America (and not the stench of treason).

I love America, and I want to give back. That’s why I’m running for Congress against Ilhan Omar!”

–Dalia al-Aqidi

She fled Iraq with her family in 1988, escaping to Saudi Arabia, as reported by Minneapolis newspaper City Pages:

In 1988, when she was in her 20s, Al-Aqidi, her mother, and her infant half-brother fled the country.  From there she joined Radio Free Iraq in Saudi Arabia and cut her journalistic teeth. She was later able to get a passport and move to the United States in the early ’90s, and has lived here ever since.

As far as her beliefs, al-Aqidi is straightforward on the issues. “I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, less government spending, freedom of employment, and election integrity.” Just as importantly, she’s a uniter in matters of faith, famously wearing a cross on air to show solidarity with Iraqi Christians in 2014.

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I meant what I said to @IlhanMN. I am an American, as are we all, and this culture of identity politics and division needs to end. Do you agree?https://t.co/KFGgW9gnvt

— Dalia al-Aqidi (@Dalia4Congress) February 27, 2020

If you live in Minnesota, or know anyone who lives in Minneapolis, forward this to themGet behind al-Aqidi–not just because she’s opposing a despicable congresswoman, but because she herself is a great example of how legal immigration creates true Americans.

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