• May 5, 2024

Immerse Yourself in The Moments

 Immerse Yourself in The Moments

I’ve always been one to live in the moment, capture my observations with the lens of my eyes, and fully immerse myself in the experience I am in with people, nature, and my surroundings. From the sound of a child’s laughter to the beauty of a tie-dye sky, the scent of a fresh bakery, the chipmunks sounding off in chorus, or the smiles on the faces of those sharing the moment, it is pure joy if you immerse yourself in those moments. I will never forget the moment I had with a hummingbird who flew up three stories over the edge of a deck to hover one foot from my face and hold my gaze with his eyes for what felt like a full minute. The connections we make with people, animals, and nature are profound.

Whereas my mental notes, visual snapshots, and joy in every little moment have always come as second nature, it wasn’t until recently that I’ve become so aware of that, because now I find myself consciously trying to relish in every joyful moment and immerse myself in experiences while recognizing that these moments – these gems – are in jeopardy of becoming extinct. So when I watch my dad running side-by-side with my dog, both with big smiles on their faces, and watch my mom smiling like a kid over my cat when she’s not even a cat person, share moments of laughter with friends, snuggle with my fur babies, enjoy a juicy ribeye steak, and observe dolphins playfully charge the ocean’s shore, I cherish those moments more so now than ever before.

When colleagues and friends reach out to collaborate, share, and even offer help, it holds an even higher value than it once did, and my appreciation grows by the day. When I watch in awe at truckers across the globe holding the line to fight for our freedoms, and people by car and on foot supporting one another in a unified effort to secure those freedoms, it warms my soul. Infiltrators and masterminds will always try to take away our moments, but they cannot take away the heart and soul of the people, or erase the truth, as hard as they may try.

As I watchRead More

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