• July 26, 2024

Important Voter Resources

 Important Voter Resources


By  @NYGuy13

While the country prepares for the November 3rd election, Conservative voters must make sure they are registered, informed and prepared to take action. This election is too important to sit out. America is counting on us! Here’s some handy links to assist you.


The first step is to register to vote or if you moved make sure your registration information is current.  40 states allow online registration but be sure to check your state’s deadline. The website below contains a treasure trove of links to accomplish this:


Click here for Links and Information to register to vote or update your current registration for all 50 states


If you are disabled, infirmed, or will be unable to vote due to being out of town this tool can be used to find out how to request and absentee ballot in your state:


Click here for info on how to request an absentee ballot

To preserve the integrity of our elections we need patriotic Americans to work at the polls. Here’s a link on how to begin the process to become a poll worker:


Click here to become a poll worker


While leftist talking points say there is no voter fraud. There is actually a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Here’s a database of voter fraud cases:


Click here for the Heritage Foundation’s Voter Fraud Database


What do you do if you witness voter fraud? This article gives in depth instructions on what to do and includes phone numbers of the Board of Elections in all 50 states:


Click here to learn how to report voter fraud


To get even more involved, organizations like True the Vote will train you to be a poll watcher or more importantly in this Covid 19 era a mail in ballot reviewer:

Click to begin training as a poll watcher


They can also assist in reporting election fraud:

Click here for an election fraud incident report



Remember folks an educated voter is a great asset to our nation and vital to keeping America great. See you at the polls!


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Editor @Investigator_50