• July 26, 2024

Is A Full-Time RV Lifestyle Right For You?

 Is A Full-Time RV Lifestyle Right For You?

By The Sharp Edge

Since the onset of Covid-19, many Americans are re-evaluating their lifestyles in search for ways to live freely from debt and government overreach.  The influx of lockdowns, mandates, inflation, and ‘woke’ agendas since the plandemic have caused many to crave a simpler way of life in which they can focus on the things that truly matter.  The rising costs of food, gas and housing have prompted buyers to contemplate a shift in their lifestyles that they may have never previously considered.  Following the emergence of Covid-19, the employment landscape has changed as well. Many Americans have found ways to work from home, untethered from the restraints of job sites and offices.  With all things considered, naturally more Americans have chosen the daily life of full-time RVing.  What are some of the challenges these full-time RVers face and how do they overcome them?  More importantly, is the full-time RV lifestyle right for you?

RV & Remote Working Statistics

2021 was a record-breaking year for new RV shipments, reaching a total of 600,240 (nearly 170,000 more than 2020).Shipments of new RVs for 2022 are on track to be the second best year on record, down 8.4% from 2021, with projections reaching a total of 549,900 by the end of 2022.About 11.2 million households own an RV, split nearly evenly between groups over 55 and under 55.There is a notable growth in RV ownership for 18- to 34-year-olds, representing 22% of the total market now.Approximately one third of RV owners surveyed are first-time buyers.Full-time RVers make up only 1.5% of the total RV owners. Only 35% of full-time RVers are over age 55, and less than half (43%) are retired.About 4 out of 10 workers are currently working from home part of the time Read More

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