• July 26, 2024

Is Swaffar For Congress the “Lightning Rod” of Change?

 Is Swaffar For Congress the “Lightning Rod” of Change?

It sure looks like she can be.  Darlene Swaffar, Republican Candidate for Congress for Florida District 22 has the Ancestry to back her up.  With 5th and 6th Great Grandfathers who fought in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, and the 9th Great Niece of Benjamin Franklin, she may just be the beacon of hope to unify our Country.


America has been fighting for Freedom and equality since it’s inception.  One of our Greatest Founding Fathers led the Abolitionist Movement in 1775 in Philadelphia.  Benjamin Franklin led the Society for the Relief of Free Negros Unlawfully Held in Bondage as its President.  In a major victory for individual liberty, slavery was abolished in the North largely due to the work of this society.  Franklin made changes in his household paying fair wages to his servants and leaving them in his will.


Darlene Swaffar is a complete outsider and is part of a movement of every day Americans running for office to restore a moral code of conduct in Congress.  Swaffar is running on an American First Platform, calling for unity for all Americans.  Swaffar is called the “Lightning Rod” of Change from Transmedia (see article below).  Swaffar’s goal is to help our President protect our Republic and transform America to its fullest potential.  Once Swaffar is elected she wishes to serve on the Freedom Caucus which protects our Constitution and your Constitutional rights.  To Support this MAGA Candidate, please visit:  www.swaffarforcongress.com


Swaffar for Congress has permission to quote this press release:



Donor Page:   https://secure.winred.com/darleneswaffar/donate

Email:  [email protected]


Twitter:  https://twitter.com/swaffarcongress

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/swaffar4congress

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/swaffar4congress

The New Movement:  www.thenewmovement.org/florida.html

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Editor @Investigator_50